Yan Long Dept of Sociology globalization, social movements, authoritarian politics, international development, organizations, public health, technology
Jessica Lu Dept of Astronomy black holes, star and cluster formation, galactic centers, adaptive optics, astronomy, instrumentation, infrared instrumentation, astrometry
Michael (Miki) Lustig Division of Computer Science (EECS) Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) medical imaging, MRI, compressed sensing
Roya Maboudian Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering surface and interfacial science and engineering, nanotechnology, harsh-environment sensors, silicon carbide, green construction, biologically-inspired materials synthesis
Jeffrey MacKie-Mason Dept of Economics School of Information information systems, digital content, human behavior, online behavior
Michel Maharbiz Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) neural interfaces, bioMEMS, microsystems, MEMS, microsystems for the life sciences
Lisa Maher Dept of Anthropology archaeology, hunter-gatherers, prehistory, geoarchaeology, landscape use, stone tools technology, emergence of social complexity, ancient technology
Jitendra Malik Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer science, electrical engineering, vision science, computer vision, robotics
Gerard Marriott Dept of Bioengineering Sensors and biosensors, drug delivery systems, optical spectroscopy and microscopy, high-contrast imaging, biomaterials
Norma Cecilia Martinez-Gomez Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology microbial physiology, one-carbon metabolism, microbial molecular biology, bacteria, enzymes, enzyme activity, enzymology, enzyme kinetics, protein biochemistry, protein characterization
Michael Mascarenhas Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management environmental justice, critical race theory, Post-colonial theory, Science and Technology studies
Massimo Mazzotti Dept of History history of science, History of Mathematics, history of technology, science and society, STS., science studies
Tom McEnaney Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of Spanish and Portuguese Latin American literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, media studies, radio, 20th century American literature, architecture, linguistic anthropology, digital humanities
Jonas Meckling Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management climate policy, energy policy, business and environment, political economy
Negar Mehr Dept of Mechanical Engineering artificial intelligence, control theory, robotics, game theory, machine learning
Peter S. Menell School of Law intellectual property, property law, environmental law & policy, entertainment law, federal courts
Baoxia Mi Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering membrane separation, desalination, water purification, solar evaporation, wastewater reuse, environmental applications of nanomaterials
Minoo Moallem Dept of Gender and Women's Studies Transnational and Postcolonial Feminist Studies, cultural studies, Commodity Cultures, Visual and Material Cultures of Religion, Immigration and Diaspora Studies, Middle East Studies, and Iranian Studies
Edward C. Morse Dept of Nuclear Engineering applied plasma physics: fusion technology: microwaves, experimental investigation of RF plasma heating, experimental studies of compact toroids spectral method for magnetohydrodynamic stability
Holger Mueller Dept of Physics atomic, molecular, and optical physics, advanced electron microscopy, cryo-EM
Rikky Muller Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) integrated circuits, biosystems and computational biology, micro/nano electro mechanical systems
Deirdre Mulligan School of Information information policy, law, privacy, security, machine learning and artificial intelligence
Karen Nakamura Dept of Anthropology disability, Japan, disability studies, queer studies, LGBTQ communities, social cultural anthropology, medical and psychiatric anthropology, community-engaged research/scholarship, community-based research partnerships
Tejas Narechania School of Law administrative law, antitrust, artificial intelligence, intellectual property, law and technology, privacy and cybersecurity, telecommunications law, internet technology