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Showing 26 - 45 of 45 Results
energy use, health effects of air pollution, climate change, exposure assessment, global health, health impacts of energy use, heat and health, air pollution measurement, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship, community-based research partnerships, social justice research
social and emotional learning, social work, prevention, mental health, coalition, collaboration, research practice partnership, strength, school, assessment, screening, resilience, translation, dissemination, implementation, communities that care, children, DESSA, community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnerships
adolescent violence and victimization, polyvictimization rates among vulnerable adolescents, bullying involvement roles and mental health, sexual orientation and gender identity microaggressions, impact of family-level microaggressions and microaffirmations on mental health, disability, anti-ableism
resilience, risk, culture, teacher wellness, school climate, school violence and school climate, children and adolescents, mental health, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnership, community-based research partnerships, social justice research