Minoo Moallem Dept of Gender and Women's Studies Transnational and Postcolonial Feminist Studies, cultural studies, Commodity Cultures, Visual and Material Cultures of Religion, Immigration and Diaspora Studies, Middle East Studies, and Iranian Studies
Joseph L. Napoli Dept of Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology metabolism, nutritional biochemistry, fat-soluble vitamins, retinoids, retinoic acid, retinol, vitamin A, vitamin D, analytical biochemistry
Stefania Pandolfo Dept of Anthropology cultural anthropology, Islam, Middle East, theories of subjectivity, postcolonial criticism, anthropology and literature, the Maghreb, mental illness
Leigh Raiford Dept of African American Studies social movements, visual culture, memory, photography, African American history and culture
Ramamoorthy Ramesh Dept of Materials Science and Engineering Dept of Physics Atomic-scale synthesis of complex oxide heterostructures, 2D materials, spin-charge coupling, polar and magnetic topologies, electron microscopy, piezoforce microscopy, NV magnetometry, materials processing for devices, energy efficient electronics(12634)
Kaoru Saijo Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology neurodevelopmental disorders, neuropsychiatric disease, neurodegenerative disease, immunology, pathogenesis
Debarati Sanyal Dept of French Border studies, race, postcolonialism, Politics of aesthetic form, nineteenth-century French studies, memory studies, World War Two, Holocaust studies, critical refugee studies, contemporary fiction and film
Miryam Sas Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of East Asian Languages and Cultures Dept of Film and Media 20th century avant-gardes, Japanese literature, film, theater and dance, East Asia, media theory, contemporary art, critical theory, gender theory, memory studies
Andy Shanken Dept of Architecture memory, visionary architecture, the unbuilt, paper architecture, heritage conservation, architectural representation, urban representation, diagrams, history of professions, historiography, world's fairs, expositions, California architecture, themed environments
Estelle Tarica Dept of Spanish and Portuguese Latin America, Jewish Latin America, Andes, Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, Guatemala, Holocaust, genocide, race, nationalism, Spanish, mestizaje, indigeneity, Quechua
Sylvia Tiwon Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies Indonesia, South and Southeast Asian studies, literature and gender, cultural studies of Southeast Asia, orality and literacy.
Khatharya Um Dept of Ethnic Studies education, memory, Southeast Asian Studies, Asian American histories and communities, Southeast Asian diaspora, refugees, international migration, transnational and diaspora studies, genocide studies
Clancy Wilmott Dept of Geography critical cartography, media geographies, critical GIS and data studies, cultural memory and landscape, politics of representation - textualization - and visuality, digitalities
Lisa Wymore Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies dance, Choreography, Multi-Media Performance, Dance Theater