Stuart J. Russell Division of Computer Science (EECS) artificial intelligence, computational biology, algorithms, machine learning, real-time decision-making, probabilistic reasoning
Sayeef Salahuddin Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) physical electronics, design and modeling and analysis, energy, scientific computing
Niloufar Salehi Division of Computer Science (EECS) School of Information computer-mediated communication, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnership, social justice research
S. Shankar Sastry Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Mechanical Engineering Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) embedded and cyberphysical systems, artificial intelligence, AR/VR, computer science, robotics, arial robots, cybersecurity, cyber defense, homeland defense, nonholonomic systems, control of hybrid systems, sensor networks, interactive visualization, robotic telesurgery, rapid prototyping
Koushik Sen Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer science, programming systems, software engineering, programming languages, computational logic, software testing, verification, model checking, runtime monitoring, performance evaluation
Sanjit Seshia Division of Computer Science (EECS) Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) formal methods, computational logic, electronic design automation, computer security, dependable computing, Cyber-Physical Systems, programming languages
Scott Shenker Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer science, internet architecture, software-defined networking, network function virtualization, game theoretic approaches to resource allocation, large-scale distributed systems, edge computing
Alistair Sinclair Dept of Statistics Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) algorithms, applied probability, statistics, random walks, Markov chains, computational applications of randomness, Markov chain Monte Carlo, statistical physics, combinatorial optimization
Alp Sipahigil Dept of Physics Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) solid-state devices and technology, quantum technologies
Yun S. Song Dept of Statistics Division of Computer Science (EECS) computational biology, machine learning, applied probability and statistics
Costas J. Spanos Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) integrated circuits, solid-state devices, sensors, semiconductor manufacturing, energy efficiency, smart buildings
Nikhil Srivastava Dept of Mathematics theoretical computer science, random matrices, geometry of polynomials
Vladimir Stojanovic Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) integrated circuits, silicon photonics, high-speed links, mixed-signal circuits, VLSI, emerging device technologies
Alane Suhr Division of Computer Science (EECS) artificial intelligence, natural language processing, machine learning, computer vision, computational linguistics
Grigory Tikhomirov Division of Computer Science (EECS) bioengineering, nanofabrication, nanorobotics, biosystems and computational biology, energy, integrated circuits, micro/nano electro mechanical systems, physical electronics
Claire Tomlin Division of Computer Science (EECS) Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) electrical engineering, computer sciences, control, biosystems, control theory, intelligent systems, and robotics, hybrid and embedded systems, biological cell networks
Allon Wagner Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology Division of Computer Science (EECS) computational biology, single-cell genomics, immunology, systems biology, metabolism
David Wagner Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) computer security, secure electronic voting, web security, mobile security, cellphone security
John Wawrzynek Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) computer architecture, reconfigurable computing, wireless systems, integrated circuit and system design
John Wright Division of Computer Science (EECS) quantum state learning, quantum complexity theory, property testing, approximation algorithms
Adam Yala Computational Precision Health Program Dept of Statistics Division of Computer Science (EECS) artificial intelligence, health
Lining Yao Dept of Mechanical Engineering sustainable design, morphing material mechanisms, ecology, sustainability
Katherine A. Yelick Division of Computer Science (EECS) high performance computing, partitioned Global Address Space programming, communication-avoiding algorithms, automatic performance tuning, high performance data analytics, computational biology
Mengjie Yu Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) physical electronics, artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, micro/nano electro mechanical systems