Simo Mäkiharju Dept of Mechanical Engineering experimental fluid dynamics, fluid dynamics, Cavitation, multiphase flow, drag reduction, ocean renewable energy, particle image velocimetry, Time-Resolved X-Ray Densitometry, Droplet and particle transport
Philip Marcus Dept of Mechanical Engineering algorithms, fluid mechanics, nonlinear dynamics, atmospheric flows, convection, ocean flows, numerical analysis, wind energy, Bayesian optimization, neural networks, turbulence, planet formation, internal gravity waves, inertial waves, desalination, protoplanetary disks
Sara McMains Dept of Mechanical Engineering geometric and solid modeling, general purpose computation on the GPU (GPGPU), CAD/CAM, computational geometry, computer graphics and visualization, tool path planning, additive manufacturing, computer vision, Deep Learning
Negar Mehr Dept of Mechanical Engineering artificial intelligence, control theory, robotics, game theory, machine learning
Grace D O'Connell Dept of Mechanical Engineering biomechanics, tissue engineering, intervertebral disc, cartilage
Panayiotis Papadopoulos Dept of Mechanical Engineering continuum mechanics, computational mechanics, contact mechanics, computational plasticity, materials modeling, solid mechanics, applied mathematics, dynamics of pseudo-rigid bodies
Kameshwar Poolla Dept of Mechanical Engineering Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) modeling, control, estimation, smart grids, renewable energy, electricity markets, transportation networks, integrated circuit design and manufacturing
Lisa A. Pruitt Dept of Mechanical Engineering tissue biomechanics, biomaterial science, fatigue and fracture micromechanisms, orthopedic polymers for total joint replacement, synthetic cartilage
Robert Ritchie Dept of Materials Science and Engineering Dept of Mechanical Engineering structural materials, mechanical behavior in biomaterials, creep, fatigue and fracture of advanced metals, intermetallics, ceramics
Boris Rubinsky Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Mechanical Engineering medical imaging, biotechnology, biomedical engineering, low temperature biology, micro and nano bionic technologies, electrical impedance tomography, bio-electronics, biomedical devices biomedical numerical analysis, bio-heat and mass transfer, electroporation light imaging
S. Shankar Sastry Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Mechanical Engineering Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) embedded and cyberphysical systems, artificial intelligence, AR/VR, computer science, robotics, arial robots, cybersecurity, cyber defense, homeland defense, nonholonomic systems, control of hybrid systems, sensor networks, interactive visualization, robotic telesurgery, rapid prototyping
Thomas Schutzius Dept of Mechanical Engineering nanoscale transport phenomena, micro/nanofabrication techniques, interfacial optical methods, thermodynamic and interfacial modeling
Shawn Shadden Dept of Mechanical Engineering cardiovascular biomechanics, computational mechanics, computational fluid dynamics, thrombosis, medical image processing, dynamical systems, fluid dynamics, Lagrangian coherent structures, mathematical modeling
Lydia Sohn Dept of Mechanical Engineering micro-nano engineering, bioengineering, biomedical devices biomedical numerical analysis, microfluidics; nanofluidics; bioanalytical separations; disease diagnostics, stem cells, cancer
David J. Steigmann Dept of Mechanical Engineering finite elasticity, mechanics, continuum, shell theory, variational methods, stability, surface stress, capillary phenomena, mechanics of thin films
Hannah Stuart Dept of Mechanical Engineering robotics, dynamics, design-based research, exoskeleton systems, bioinspired robots, marine systems, dexterous manipulation, hands, grasping, Mechanism Design, human-robot interaction
Hayden Taylor Dept of Mechanical Engineering manufacturing, microfabrication, nanofabrication, semiconductor manufacturing, computational mechanics, nanoimprint lithography
Masayoshi Tomizuka Dept of Mechanical Engineering robotics, mechatronics, control systems theory, digital control, dynamic systems, mechanical vibrations, adaptive and optimal control, motion control
Lining Yao Dept of Mechanical Engineering sustainable design, morphing material mechanisms, ecology, sustainability
Tarek Zohdi Dept of Mechanical Engineering advanced manufacturing, 3D printing systems, fire propagation and control, UAVs and swarms, ballistic fabric shielding, food-system modeling, pandemic modeling