M. Reza Alam Dept of Mechanical Engineering Theoretical Fluid Dynamics, Nonlinear Wave Mechanics, Ocean and Coastal Waves Phenomena, Ocean Renewable Energy (Wave, Tide and Offshore Wind Energy), Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Fluid Flow Control, ocean renewable energy
Francisco Armero Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering computational mechanics, nonlinear continuum mechanics
Dennis Baldocchi Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management biometeorology, climate change and ecosystems, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, agricultural meteorology, ecosystem ecology, carbon cycle, evaporation, ecohydrology, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship
David B. Bogy Dept of Mechanical Engineering fluid mechanics, mechanics in computer technology, tribology in hard-disk drives, laser measurement systems, numerical simulations, static and dynamic problems in solid mechanics
Christian Borgs Division of Computer Science (EECS) theoretical computer science, probability theory, combinatorics, complex networks., statistical physics, artificial intelligence, applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning in engineering and sciences
Raphael Bousso Dept of Physics physics, quantum mechanics, gravity, unified description of nature, string theory, quantum properties of black holes, the geometry of spacetime, covariant entropy bound, cosmological constant
Roland Bürgmann Dept of Earth and Planetary Science active tectonics, geophysics, geology, earth and planetary science, geomechanics, tectonics, Seismology, structural geology, fault zone processes, crustal deformation, space geodesy, natural hazards, landslides
Roy L. Caldwell Dept of Integrative Biology ecology, evolution, Invertebrates, animal behavior, behavioral ecology, marine biology, stomatopods, crustaceans, cephalopods, octopus, mating systems, communication, sensory ecology, aggressive behavior, coral reef restoration
James Casey Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Mechanical Engineering continuum mechanics, finite elasticity, continuum thermodynamics, plasticity, theories of elastic-plastic materials, history of mechanics, dynamics
Gerbrand Ceder Dept of Materials Science and Engineering energy storage, computational modeling, machine learning, autonomous laboratories
Fotini Chow Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering environmental fluid mechanics, wind energy applications, clouds, large-eddy simulation, turbulence modeling, atmospheric boundary layer flow, flow over complex terrain, wildfire smoke transport, methane emissions, urban dispersion modeling, urban air quality
Kurt M. Cuffey Dept of Earth and Planetary Science Dept of Geography continuum mechanics, climate, geomorphology, glaciers, glaciology, climate history, stable isotopes, geographical thought
Michael DeWeese Dept of Neuroscience Dept of Physics machine learning, computation, systems neuroscience, auditory cortex, neural coding, statistical mechanics
Robert Dudley Dept of Integrative Biology metabolism, biomechanics, butterflies, energetics, flight, gliding, hummingbirds, insects, paleophysiology
Robert J. Full Dept of Integrative Biology energetics, comparative biomechanics, arthropod, adhesion, comparative physiology, locomotion, neuromechanics, biomimicry, biological inspiration, reptile, gecko, amphibian, robots, artificial muscles
Ryan Giordano Dept of Statistics machine learning, variational inference, Bayesian methods, robustness quantification, applied statistics
Michael Gollner Dept of Mechanical Engineering combustion, fire dynamics, wildland fire, fluid mechanics
Sanjay Govindjee Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering finite element analysis, Theoretical and computational solid mechanics, constitutive theory, micromechanics, polymer mechanics, elastomer modeling, battery modeling, thermomechanics, continuum mechanics, failure analysis
Grace Gu Dept of Mechanical Engineering Composites, additive manufacturing, in-situ monitoring and process control, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and bioinspired materials
Martin P. Head-Gordon Dept of Chemistry theoretical chemistry, electronic structure calculations, development of novel theories and algorithms, quantum mechanics