Massimo Mazzotti Dept of History history of science, History of Mathematics, history of technology, science and society, STS., science studies
Daniel McFadden Dept of Economics latent variable models, choice modeling, econometric modeling, sampling theory, production theory, consumer theory
Daniel McKinsey Dept of Physics dark matter, noble gases, cryogenics, high voltages, particle physics, astrophysics, low temperature physics, detector physics, neutrinos
Sara McMains Dept of Mechanical Engineering geometric and solid modeling, general purpose computation on the GPU (GPGPU), CAD/CAM, computational geometry, computer graphics and visualization, tool path planning, additive manufacturing, computer vision, Deep Learning
Jonas Meckling Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management climate policy, energy policy, business and environment, political economy
Negar Mehr Dept of Mechanical Engineering robotics, control theory, artificial intelligence, game theory, machine learning
Peter S. Menell School of Law intellectual property, property law, environmental law & policy, entertainment law, law and economics, federal courts
Robert P. Merges School of Law antitrust, intellectual property, property rights, patent law, law and economics, copyright law, digital content, online contracts
Phillip Messersmith Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Materials Science and Engineering adhesion, polymers, regenerative medicine, sustainable polymers, biomimetics, medical devices
Barbara Meyer Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology cell fate determination, chromosome architecture, developmental biology, gene expression, genetic determination of sex, regulatory genes, chromosome dynamics, X-chromosome
Edward Miguel Dept of Economics Africa, education, development economics, human capital, health, ethnic divisions, social capital, civil conflict, war, pre-analysis plans, water.
Andrew Minor Dept of Materials Science and Engineering metallurgy, nanomechanics, electron microscopy, in situ TEM, electron microscopy of soft materials
Minoo Moallem Dept of Gender and Women's Studies Transnational and Postcolonial Feminist Studies, cultural studies, Commodity Cultures, Visual and Material Cultures of Religion, Immigration and Diaspora Studies, Middle East Studies, and Iranian Studies
Saira Mohamed School of Law criminal law, international law, human rights, International Criminal Law
Paulo J. M. Monteiro Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering concrete behavior, structural materials
David Montejano Dept of Ethnic Studies social change, historical sociology, political sociology, community studies, race & ethnic relations
G. Cristina Mora Dept of Sociology classification, organizations, race and ethnicity, Latino Migration
Calvin Morrill School of Law sociology of law, organizational theory, ethnography, social movements, youth culture and conflict, sociology of culture, entrepreneurship
Khalid M. Mosalam Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering bridges, concrete and masonry structures, damage mechanics, earthquake engineering, fracture mechanics, machine learning
Louise Mozingo Dept of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning urban design and planning, design history, social and cultural factors in landscape design