Yasunori Nomura Dept of Physics quantum gravity, cosmology, Theoretical Particle Physics, quantum information
Joseph Orenstein Dept of Physics optical properties of quantum materials, magnetism, superconductivity, spin transport
Zi Qiang Qiu Dept of Physics experimental study of quantum magnetism in nanostructures, condensed matter physics, materials science experimentation
Marc A. Rieffel Dept of Mathematics mathematics, operator algebras, non-commutative geometry, non-commutative harmonic analysis, quantum geometry, quantum information theory
Irfan Siddiqi Dept of Physics condensed matter physics, superconducting qubits, quantum limited amplifiers, quantum circuits
Alp Sipahigil Dept of Physics Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) solid-state devices and technology, quantum technologies
Dan Stamper-Kurn Dept of Physics atomic physics, the use of ultra-cold neutral atoms, studies of microscopic and macroscopic quantum phenomena, cavity quantum electrodynamics, Bose-Einstein condensation, precision and quantum measurement
Avishay Tal Division of Computer Science (EECS) theory(THY), complexity theory, analysis of Boolean functions, randomness in computation, quantum computation
Constantin Teleman Dept of Mathematics algebraic geometry, Lie groups, topology, topological quantum field theory
Hendrik Utzat Dept of Chemistry single-molecule spectroscopy, quantum optics, colloidal semiconductor nanostructures, optoelectronics, bio-nanophotonics, materials chemistry
Umesh Vazirani Division of Computer Science (EECS) quantum computation, hamiltonian complexity, analysis of algorithms, computer security
K. Birgitta Whaley Dept of Chemistry quantum information and quantum computation, control and simulation of complex quantum systems, quantum effects in biological systems, quantum physics, quantum mechanics
Martin White Dept of Astronomy Dept of Physics cosmology, formation of structure in the universe, dark energy, expansion of the universe, cosmic microwave background, quasars, redshift surveys
John Wright Division of Computer Science (EECS) quantum state learning, quantum complexity theory, property testing, approximation algorithms
Eli Yablonovitch Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) optoelectronics, physical electronics, high speed optical communications, nanocavity lasers, photonic crystals at optical and microwave frequencies, quantum computing and communication
Michael W. Zuerch Dept of Chemistry collective phenomena in material, chemical material dynamics in surfaces and interfaces, symmetry-broken states and their emergence in condensed-phase systems, dynamical properties in artificial and correlated superlattices, ultrafast spectroscopy from THz to X-rays
Maciej Zworski Dept of Mathematics mathematics, partial differential equations, mathematical physics, mathematical aspects of quantum mechanics, scattering theory, microlocal analysis