Nicholas Baer Dept of German film theory and history, digital media, aesthetics, critical theory, philosophy of history, technics, media theory and archaeology
Weihong Bao Dept of Film and Media late 19th century visual and performance culture, Chinese language cinema, transnational genre cinema, comparative media history and theory, propaganda theory and history(10988)
Mary Ann Doane Dept of Film and Media feminist theory, cultural theory, archaeology of media technology, film and modernity, film theory, psychoanalytic theory
Kate Heslop Dept of Scandinavian Medieval Studies, Old Norse literature, Viking and medieval Scandinavia, cultural memory, media theory
Daniel O'Neill Dept of East Asian Languages and Cultures East Asian literatures and cinema, gender and sexuality studies, environmental humanities and media theory
Miryam Sas Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of East Asian Languages and Cultures Dept of Film and Media 20th century avant-gardes, Japanese literature, film, theater and dance, East Asia, media theory, contemporary art, critical theory, gender theory, memory studies
Damon Young Dept of Film and Media Dept of French film theory, digital media, global art cinema, gender and sexuality studies, critical theory
Hannah Zeavin Dept of History history of human sciences, history of technology and media, feminist science and technology studies, media theory