Kunxin Luo Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology signal transduction pathways, mechanisms controlling the receptor kinases, regulation of mammary epithelial cell differentiation, breast carcinogenesis
Isabel Madzorera School of Public Health global health, nutrition, diet quality, maternal and child health, food systems, global climate change
Michel Maharbiz Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) neural interfaces, bioMEMS, microsystems, MEMS, microsystems for the life sciences
Beatriz Manz Dept of Ethnic Studies Dept of Geography Latin America, human rights, peasantry, migrations, social movements, political conflict, Mayan communities in Guatemala, issues of memory, grief
Michael A. Marletta Dept of Chemistry Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology chemical biology, molecular biology, structure/function relationships in proteins, catalytic and biological properties of enzymes, cellular signaling, nitric oxide synthase, soluble guanylate cyclase, gas sensing, cellulose degradation, polysaccharide monooxygenases
Susan Marqusee Dept of Chemistry Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology amino acids, determinants of protein structure and folding, biophysical, structural and computational techniques, translocation, protein synthesis
Richard A. Mathies Dept of Chemistry genomics, biophysical, bioanalytical, physical chemistry; laser spectroscopy, resonance Raman, excited-state reaction dynamics photoactive proteins, rhodopsins, microfabricated chemical biochemical analysis devices, forensics, infectious disease detection
Olga Matich Dept of Slavic Languages and Literatures Slavic languages and literatures, Russian symbolism and post-Stalin literature, women in Russian literature, Zinaida Gippius, Russian emigre literature, conceptualization of love in Russian culture, theory and practice of private life
Anastasios Melis Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology photosynthesis, Metabolic Engineering, synthetic biology, bioproduction R&D
Sabeeha Merchant Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology Chloroplast, photosynthesis, algae, trace metals, genomics, synthetic biology, designer lipids, Chlamydomonas, Auxenochlorella, Dunaliella
William H. Miller Dept of Chemistry theoretical chemistry, chemical dynamics, quantum mechanical and semiclassical theories, dynamical chemical processes at the molecular level, photodissociation, femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, calculations of rate constants for chemical reactions
Brent D. Mishler Dept of Integrative Biology evolutionary biology, development, ecology, systematics, phylogeny, comparative genomics, green plants, bryophytes, mosses, reproductive biology, phylogenetics, chloroplast DNA, classification, species concepts, biodiversity, Darwin, conservation biology
Minoo Moallem Dept of Gender and Women's Studies Transnational and Postcolonial Feminist Studies, cultural studies, Commodity Cultures, Visual and Material Cultures of Religion, Immigration and Diaspora Studies, Middle East Studies, and Iranian Studies
Priya Moorjani Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology Human evolutionary genetics, human genetics, ancient DNA, population genetics, statistical genetics
Rachel Morello-Frosch Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management environmental health, environmental justice, climate change and health, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship, community-based research partnerships, social justice research
Calvin Morrill School of Law sociology of law, organizational theory, ethnography, social movements, youth culture and conflict, sociology of culture, entrepreneurship
Mahasin Mujahid School of Public Health Multi-level determinants of racial/ethnic health disparities, neighborhood environments and cardiovascular health, breast cancer treatment and survivorship Methods in social epidemiology, population health
Katherine Newman Dept of Sociology Goldman School of Public Policy low wage labor markets, social mobility, inequality.
Rasmus Nielsen Dept of Integrative Biology Dept of Statistics evolution, molecular evolution, population genetics, human variation, human genetics, phylogenetics, applied statistics, genetics, evolutionary processes, evolutionary biology
Krishna K. Niyogi Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology genetics, plant and microbial biology, algae, photosynthesis, CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing, carbon sequestration
Amani Nuru-Jeter School of Public Health health inequities, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic position, stress and health, place and health, social determinants of health, cardiometabolic risk, birth outcomes
Deborah Orel-Bixler School of Optometry optometry, vision science, visual abilities in infants, children and special-needs population, visual evoked potentials, vision screening, photorefraction