Ashok Gadgil Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering drinking water, fuel-efficient stoves, indoor air quality, energy efficiency, developing countries, buildings energy efficiency
Liz Gálvez Dept of Architecture design, architecture and environment, materials, heating and cooling, building technologies, sustainable design
Lisa Garcia Bedolla School of Education Dept of Political Science politics, immigration, race, gender, inequality, community-engaged research/scholarship, community-based research partnerships
Sanjam Garg Division of Computer Science (EECS) cryptography, cybersecurity, theoretical computer science
Aglaya Glebova Dept of History of Art Dept of Slavic Languages and Literatures Soviet art, photography, European avant-gardes, global modern art
Ken Goldberg Dept of Art Practice Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research Division of Computer Science (EECS) School of Information robotics, art, social media, new media, automation
Michael Gollner Dept of Mechanical Engineering combustion, fire dynamics, wildland fire, fluid mechanics
Marta Gonzalez Dept of City & Regional Planning Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering human mobility, network science, complex systems, urban science, spending behavior, urban vulnerability and resilience, climate change
Heather Gray Dept of Physics particle physics, machine learning, algorithms, quantum algorithms, general purpose computation on the GPU (GPGPU)
Matthew Grennan Haas School of Business industrial organization, competitive strategy, innovation, health care markets, health care products, health care organizations
David Singh Grewal School of Law legal theory, political theory, intellectual history, global economic governance, international trade law, intellectual property law and biotechnology, law and economics
Costas P. Grigoropoulos Dept of Mechanical Engineering heat transfer, laser materials processing, nano-manufacturing, energy systems and technology
Karsten Gronert School of Optometry inflammatory diseases, innate immune responses, lipid mediators, lipidomics, leukocytes, inflammatory resolution, eicosanoids, omega-3 PUFA, Dry Eye, lipxoygenase, cycloooxygenase, resolution pharmacology, neuroprotection, adaptive immunity, glaucoma
Venkatesan Guruswami Dept of Mathematics Division of Computer Science (EECS) theoretical computer science, coding theory, approximate optimization, randomness in computation, computational complexity
Cori Hayden Dept of Anthropology Latin America, Mexico, social and cultural anthropology, kinship, anthropology of science, technology, and medicine, post-colonial science, gender, queer studies
Teresa Head-Gordon Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Dept of Chemistry Computational chemistry, machine learning, chemical physics, biophysics, biomolecules, materials, catalysis, computational science
Joseph M. Hellerstein Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer science, database systems, distributed systems
Terrence Hendershott Haas School of Business management of information systems, role of information technology in financial markets, after-hours stock trading, electronic communications networks (ECNs), electronic markets
Richard Hindle Dept of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning patents, landscape architecture, ecology, technology, innovation, fabrication, horticulture
David Holtz Haas School of Business online marketplaces and platforms, computational social science, data science, experimental economics
William Holzapfel Dept of Physics cosmology, physics, measurement and interpretation of anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background, the universe, density of energy, baryonic matter in the universe, the degree angular scale interferometer, the arcminute cosmology bolometer array
Chris Jay Hoofnagle School of Information School of Law consumer protection, internet law, privacy, computer crime, criminal procedure, law and technology, public choice theory, federal trade commission, federal communications commission, class action litigation, cyber security, cybersecurity, quantum information, national security
Roberto Horowitz Dept of Mechanical Engineering adaptive control, machine learning, learning and nonlinear control, control of robot manipulators, computer mechatronics systems, micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), intelligent vehicle, highways systems