C. Greig Crysler Dept of Architecture architecture, geopolitics of architectural discourse, globalization and social production of the built environment, architecture and identity
Kurt M. Cuffey Dept of Earth and Planetary Science Dept of Geography continuum mechanics, climate, geomorphology, glaciers, glaciology, climate history, stable isotopes, geographical thought
Ying Cui Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research continuous optimization, optimization under uncertainty, statistical estimations, machine learning, artificial intelligence
Anne E. Cunningham School of Education education, literacy, reading development, children and technology, teacher professional development
John Alba Cutler Dept of English Chicanx Latinx Studies, poetry, 20th century American literature and culture
Mark D'Esposito Dept of Psychology cognitive neuroscience, psychology, working memory, frontal lobe function, functional MRI, neurology, brain imaging, dopamine
Paolo D'Odorico Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management hydrology, ecohydrology, water resources, Water and Society, environmental sciences, Drylands, Desertification
Carlos F. Daganzo Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering logistics, networks, urban transportation, traffic flow
Ronald Dahl School of Public Health adolescence, brain development, behavioral and emotional health, pubertal maturation, affective neuroscience, social neuroscience
Ernesto Dal Bó Haas School of Business applied microeconomic theory, political economy, corruption and influence, collective decision-making, coercion, quality of politicians, state capabilities
Jacob Dalton Dept of East Asian Languages and Cultures Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies religion, ritual, Tibet, Buddhism, Tantra, Dunhuang
Christopher E. Dames Dept of Mechanical Engineering nanostructured materials, thermal rectification, graphene, microscale heat transfer, nano scale heat transfer
Yang Dan Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology Dept of Neuroscience neuronal circuits, mammalian visual system, electrophysiological, imaging, prefrontal cortex, sleep
Misbath Daouda School of Public Health climate and health equity, just energy transitions and interventions, environmental justice, maternal and child health, mixed methods
Sean Darling-Hammond School of Public Health K-12, education policy, exclusionary discipline, school policing, restorative practices, social and emotional learning, student mental health, health equity, implicit bias, intergroup contact
Trevor Darrell Division of Computer Science (EECS) artificial intelligence, intelligent systems and robotics, computer vision
Xavier Darzacq Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology transcription regulation during cellular differentiation, gene expression control mechanism, biophysical rules of nuclear organization
Diag Davenport Goldman School of Public Policy School of Information applied microeconomics, behavioral science, machine learning
Justin Davidson Dept of Spanish and Portuguese Spanish linguistics, romance linguistics, contact linguistics, bilingualism, Catalan, sociophonetics, language variation and change, quantitative methods
James Q. Davies Dept of Music nineteenth-century music, political ecology, performance studies, pianism, vocal knowledge, medical anthropology, historical materialism
Lucas Davis Haas School of Business energy markets, environmental economics, applied microeconomics, public finance, industrial organization