Christopher Ansell Dept of Political Science political science, social movements, political sociology, network analysis, organization theory, public administration, political parties, Western Europe
David Anthoff Dept of Energy & Resources Group environmental economics, climate policy, integrated assessment models
Nicholas Baer Dept of German film theory and history, digital media, aesthetics, critical theory, philosophy of history, technics, media theory and archaeology
Olivia Bailey Dept of Philosophy moral psychology, moral philosophy, feminist philosophy, history of philosophy
Hannes Bajohr Dept of German digital writing technologies, language and literature, German philosophical tradition in the 20th century, liberal and republican political theory
Rizvana Bradley Dept of Film and Media aesthetic theory, art history, black studies, contemporary art, contemporary film theory, critical theory, moving image installation, postcolonial studies, race and the philosophy of media
Dmitri Brown Dept of History North America, Native American history, indigenous methodologies, Tewa philosophy, community-based research, oral history, history of physics, colonialism
Judith Butler Dept of Comparative Literature critical theory, gender and sexuality studies, comparative literature, 19th and 20th century continental philosophy, social and political thought, philosophy and literature
Cathryn Carson Dept of History science and society, data science, ethics, artificial intelligence, history of science and technology, history of physics, nuclear waste, intellectual history, interdisciplinarity
Anthony J. Cascardi Dept of Comparative Literature comparative literature, literature, aesthetics, early modern literature, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Spanish Baroque
Carmine Emanuele Cella Dept of Music mathematical representation of musical and acoustic signals, music composition
Pheng Cheah Dept of Rhetoric world literature, human rights, nationalism, legal philosophy, feminism, 18th-20th century continental philosophy & contemporary critical theory, postcolonial theory & anglophone postcolonial literatures, cosmopolitanism & globalization, social & political thought
Marianne Constable Dept of Rhetoric law and language, legal rhetoric and philosophy, social and political thought, Anglo-American legal history, continental philosophy, law and society
Ivonne del Valle Dept of Spanish and Portuguese colonial period in México, internal colonialism in Mexico, Jesuits (Loyola, Acosta, Baegert), Baroque and Enlightenment from a colonial perspective, technology and environment, drainage of Mexico City lakes, Christianity and Pre-Hispanic religions.
Mary Ann Doane Dept of Film and Media feminist theory, cultural theory, archaeology of media technology, film and modernity, film theory, psychoanalytic theory
Patrice D. Douglass Dept of Gender and Women's Studies black feminist theory, Afro-pessimism, feminist philosophy, gender and sexual violence, feminist legal theory, legal theory, political philosophy, black political thought
Karen Feldman Dept of German critical theory, aesthetics, literary theory, Kant, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Arendt, Benjamin, 18th-20th century German thought, Hegel, Adorno
Giovanni R. F. (John) Ferrari Dept of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies classics, ancient philosophy, Greek culture, ancient poetics and rhetoric
Anne-lise Francois Dept of English Dept of French popular culture, English, comparative literature, the modern period, comparative romanticisms; lyric poetry; the psychological novel, novel of manners; gender, critical theory; literature, philosophy; fashion