Jennifer Miller Dept of English Old English language and literature, textual criticism, drama, disability studies, gender and sexuality studies, cultural studies, Scottish literature, Renaissance and Early Modern literature, Middle English literature
Maura Nolan Dept of English drama, Middle English literature, Renaissance and Early Modern literature
Sugata Ray Dept of History of Art Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies climate change, early modern, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Indian Ocean, art history, environment, globalization, ecology, Eco Art History, global art history
Daniel A. Rodríguez Dept of City & Regional Planning transportation planning, transportation policy, environmental planning, healthy cities
Scott Saul Dept of English 20th- and 21st-century American literature, African American literature, cultural studies, drama, film
Sophie Volpp Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of East Asian Languages and Cultures Chinese literature, Ming and Qing fiction and drama, material culture, pre-modern women poets and dramatists
David Weisblat Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology leech embryo, evolution & development, cell fate determination, lineage tracing, specification of neuronal phenotypes, genome evolution
K. Birgitta Whaley Dept of Chemistry quantum information and quantum computation, control and simulation of complex quantum systems, quantum effects in biological systems, quantum physics, quantum mechanics