Venkat Anantharam Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) game theory, applied probability, electrical engineering, communications, control, communication networks, error control coding
Thomas Courtade Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) information theory, probability, data compression, communications, computer science
Joseph Farrell Dept of Economics economics, price theory models of anticompetitive exclusive dealing, switching costs, network effects, formal standardization
Terrence Hendershott Haas School of Business management of information systems, role of information technology in financial markets, after-hours stock trading, electronic communications networks (ECNs), electronic markets
Chris Jay Hoofnagle School of Information School of Law consumer protection, internet law, privacy, computer crime, criminal procedure, law and technology, public choice theory, federal trade commission, federal communications commission, class action litigation, cyber security, cybersecurity, quantum information, national security
Jiantao Jiao Division of Computer Science (EECS) Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) artificial intelligence, control and intelligent systems and robotics, communications and networking
Anthony D. Joseph Division of Computer Science (EECS) internet security, mobile/distributed computing, and wireless communications, networking and telephony
Edward A. Lee Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) Cyber-Physical Systems, embedded software, modeling and design of systems, real-time and concurrent system, theory of current systems
Amy Lerman Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy American government, public opinion, civic engagement, criminal justice, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnership
Louise Mozingo Dept of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning urban design and planning, design history, social and cultural factors in landscape design
Tejas Narechania School of Law administrative law, antitrust, artificial intelligence, intellectual property, law and technology, privacy and cybersecurity, telecommunications law, internet technology
Clark Nguyen Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) electrical engineering, computer sciences, integrated circuits, sensors, micro electromechanical systems, signal processors, frequency control, RF communications, micromachining technology
Borivoje Nikolic Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) digital integrated circuits, VLSI implementation of communications, signal processing systems
Kannan Ramchandran Division of Computer Science (EECS) Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) statistical and sparse signal processing, adversarial and distributed machine learning, coded computing, privacy and security, scalable distributed video-on-demand delivery, coding theory, communications, information theory, peer-to-peer networking, and blockchains.
Rhonda Righter Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research stochastic systems, service operations, scheduling and load balancing, telecommunications, computer and internet communications
Anant Sahai Division of Computer Science (EECS) Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) machine learning, artificial intelligence, information theory, communications theory, wireless communication, cognitive radio, distributed control, spectrum sensing, spectrum sharing, spectrum policy, power consumption in communications systems
David Savage Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology biochemistry, metabolism, photosynthetic systems, Systems and Synthetic Biology, protein engineering
Raja Sengupta Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering transportation, wireless communications, inertial navigation for vehicle systems
Timothy Tangherlini Dept of Scandinavian School of Information folklore, Danish culture, Danish cinema, Danish literature, 19th and 20th Century Scandinavian literature, digital humanities, culture analysis, machine learning, networks, Korean culture, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship
John W. Taylor Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology evolution, fungi, phylogenomics, mycology, population genomics, ecology
J. Miguel Villas-Boas Haas School of Business economics, competitive strategy, industrial organization, marketing strategy, customer relationship management, internet strategies, information acquisition, marketing
Ramon Weber Dept of Architecture computational design, sustainability, structural modeling, generative design, embodied carbon