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crime, criminal justice, drug control, gender, health disparities, inequality, law, mass incarceration, mental health, mixed methods, policing, policy, poverty, prisons, punishment, race, risk, reentry, substance abuse, trauma, violence, race and gender, artificial intelligence, data science, social work and education, social work, public impact research/scholarship, social justice research
applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning in engineering and sciences, structural mechanics, computational mechanics, computational materials, computational mechanics and computational physics, finite element methods and meshfree particle methods, ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials, atomistic simulation and multiscale simulations, nonlinear continuum mechanics, soft matter mechanics, wave propagations, modeling and simulation of fracture, dislocations, modeling and simulation of material failures, nano-mechanics, bio-mechanics and bio-physics, cellular mechanics, micromechanics & composite materials, mechanics and physics of amorphous materials
computer graphics, fluid dynamics, computer simulation, physically based animation, finite element simulation, human perception, image forensics, video forensics, computer animation, special effects for film, video game technology, motion capture., machine learning, facial animation, artificial intelligence, geometric algorithms, geometric design and modeling
knowledge representation, Adaptive Learning, artificial intelligence, Learning Analytics, Recommender Systems, higher education, data science, Digital Learning Environments, Cognitive Modeling, Big Data in Education, Knowledge Tracing, Formative Assessment, intelligent tutoring systems, Online Learning, psychometrics, Educational Data Mining