Patrice D. Douglass Dept of Gender and Women's Studies black feminist theory, Afro-pessimism, feminist philosophy, gender and sexual violence, feminist legal theory, legal theory, political philosophy, black political thought
Anca Dragan Division of Computer Science (EECS) robotics, human-robot interaction, human-compatible artificial intelligence
Douglas Dreger Dept of Earth and Planetary Science wave propagation, Inverse theory, geophysics, Earthquake strong ground motion, Seismic source modeling, Seismic forensics, Nuclear explosion monitoring, Induced seismicity, Volcanic seismicity
Ian Duncan Dept of English English, the novel, British literature 1750-1900, Scottish literature, history and theory of fiction, Scottish enlightenment/romanticism, Scott, literature and the human sciences, Darwin
Federico Echenique Dept of Economics economic theory, economics and computation, mathematical economics, discrete allocation problems
Edwin Epstein Haas School of Business business ethics, Jewish business ethics, specifically peace, conflict studies
Samera Esmeir Dept of Rhetoric critical theory, Middle Eastern Studies, Legal and political thought, law and humanities, law and society, legal histories, colonialism and post-colonialism, anti-colonialism
Joel Fajans Dept of Physics astrophysics, plasma processing, physics, basic plasma physics, non-neutral plasmas, basic plasma physics experiments, pure electron plasma traps, cyrogenic plasmas, plasma bifurcations, basic non-linear dynamics, autoresonance
Joseph Farrell Dept of Economics economics, price theory models of anticompetitive exclusive dealing, switching costs, network effects, formal standardization
Julia Fawcett Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies performance history/historiography, British performance 1650-1800, British literature 1650-1800, disability, gender, social geography, set design
Karen Feldman Dept of German critical theory, aesthetics, literary theory, Kant, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Arendt, Benjamin, 18th-20th century German thought, Hegel, Adorno
Keith Feldman Dept of Ethnic Studies critical theory, U.S. cultural studies, Israel-Palestine, theories of race and ethnicity, comparative diaspora studies, public humanities
Mariane C. Ferme Dept of Anthropology Material culture and agrarian landscapes, gender, historical anthropology, Sierra Leone, contemporary Africa, political culture, transitional justice in post-conflict societies
Desiree Fields Dept of Geography economic geography, urban theory, financialization, digital platforms, property, geographical political economy, housing justice, digital capitalism
M. Steven Fish Dept of Political Science comparative politics, Russian politics, democracy, religion and politics, legislative process
Daniel Fisher Dept of Anthropology media, music, Indigenous Australia, ethnographic film, cinema, urban studies, fire ecology
Graham R. Fleming Dept of Chemistry Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research chemistry, proteins, chemical and biological dynamics in the condensed phase, ultrafast spectroscopy, liquids, solutions, glasses, photosynthetic proteins, role of solvents in chemical reactions, electronic energy transfer, electron transfer, regulation of photosynthetic light harvesting
Catherine Flynn Dept of English modernism, Irish, British, comparative literature, critical theory, Avant-Gardes, James Joyce, Flann O'Brien
Marion Fourcade Dept of Sociology culture, social theory, political sociology, economic sociology, comparative methods, knowledge and science