Bruno Olshausen Dept of Neuroscience School of Optometry visual perception, computational neuroscience, computational vision
Jorge Otero-Millan School of Optometry ocular motor control, vision while moving, measuring eye movements, eye movements for diagnosis
Kristin Persson Dept of Materials Science and Engineering Lithium-ion Batteries, multivalent batteries, organic electrolytes, polar materials, datamining of materials properties for energy applications
Kameshwar Poolla Dept of Mechanical Engineering Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) modeling, control, estimation, smart grids, renewable energy, electricity markets, transportation networks, integrated circuit design and manufacturing
Elizabeth Purdom Dept of Statistics computational biology, bioinformatics, statistics, data analysis, sequencing, cancer genomics
Jan M. Rabaey Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) sensor networks, integrated circuits, integrated wireless systems, low-power system design, biomedical interfaces
Henry Ravenhall Dept of French medieval French literature, Rare Books and Manuscripts, critical theory, French literature, medieval Occitan literature
Sugata Ray Dept of History of Art Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies climate change, early modern, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Indian Ocean, art history, environment, globalization, ecology, Eco Art History, global art history
Benjamin Recht Division of Computer Science (EECS) machine learning, data science, artificial intelligence
Justin Remais School of Public Health Infectious disease dynamics, methodological issues in infectious disease surveillance, infectious diseases, infectious disease epidemiology, global environmental change, climate change, global change, urbanization, mathematical modeling, computational modeling
Daniel A. Rodríguez Dept of City & Regional Planning transportation planning, transportation policy, environmental planning, healthy cities
Daniel Rokhsar Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology genetics and genomics, evolution of animals, genetic diversity in animals and plants
S. Shankar Sastry Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Mechanical Engineering Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) embedded and cyberphysical systems, artificial intelligence, AR/VR, computer science, robotics, arial robots, cybersecurity, cyber defense, homeland defense, nonholonomic systems, control of hybrid systems, sensor networks, interactive visualization, robotic telesurgery, rapid prototyping
AnnaLee Saxenian School of Information innovation, information management, entrepreneurship, Silicon Valley, regional economic development, high skilled immigration, Asian development
Raja Sengupta Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering transportation, wireless communications, inertial navigation for vehicle systems
Carl Shapiro Dept of Economics Haas School of Business anti-trust economics, economics of networks and interconnection, design and use of patents, industrial organization economics
Karthik Shekhar Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering cellular and systems biology, statistical inference, single-cell genomics
Nicholas Sitar Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering geotechnical earthquake engineering, wireless sensors, seismic slope stability, seismic earth pressure, rock erosion, groundwater remediation, numerical modeling of solid-fluid interaction, geotechnical engineering, geological engineering
Sameer Srivastava Haas School of Business culture, cognition, social networks, social capital, organizational sociology, formal organizations, social influence
Ion Stoica Division of Computer Science (EECS) networking and distributed computer systems, quality of service (Q of S) and resources management, modeling and performance analysis
Vladimir Stojanovic Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) integrated circuits, silicon photonics, high-speed links, mixed-signal circuits, VLSI, emerging device technologies
Guanyu Su Dept of Nuclear Engineering energy systems and technology, wireless sensor networks, machine learning, thermal hydraulics, heat and mass transfer in molten salt, high temperature thermal energy storage
Ann Swidler Dept of Sociology religion, culture, Africa, AIDS, political sociology, theory, development, NGOs, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnership, community-based research partnerships, social justice research