Michael (Miki) Lustig Division of Computer Science (EECS) Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) medical imaging, MRI, compressed sensing
Terry E. Machen Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology physiology pathophysiology secretory epithelial cells, airway, ion transport, cell regulationm, imaging microscopy, calcium pH redox, electrophysiology, green fluorescent protein, genetic targeting, innate immune defense
Tadiwa Madenga Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of English African and Black diaspora literature, gender and sexuality, print culture, Festival and Carnival Studies
Ayesha S. Mahmud Dept of Demography Infectious disease dynamics, disease ecology, mathematical models, Asia, Africa, Central America, climate change
Thomas Maimone Dept of Chemistry organic synthesis, total synthesis, natural products chemistry, catalysis, synthetic methodology, medicinal chemistry, organic chemistry, drug discovery
Angela Marino Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies Latin American Studies, performance studies, Venezuela, Chicanx Latinx Studies, Chicano Latino Theater, political cultures, Populism, Festival and Carnival Studies, democracy, Latin America
Susan Marqusee Dept of Chemistry Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology amino acids, determinants of protein structure and folding, biophysical, structural and computational techniques, translocation, protein synthesis
Cassondra Marshall School of Public Health contraceptive care, reproductive health, maternal health, implementation science, Mixed methods research, community engagement, doula care
Christopher Martin Dept of Integrative Biology evolutionary biology, speciation, genomics, adaptation, craniofacial development
Alexandre Mas Haas School of Business labor markets, human resources, data analysis and statistical methods
Michael Mascarenhas Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management environmental justice, critical race theory, Post-colonial theory, Science and Technology studies
Richard A. Mathies Dept of Chemistry genomics, biophysical, bioanalytical, physical chemistry; laser spectroscopy, resonance Raman, excited-state reaction dynamics photoactive proteins, rhodopsins, microfabricated chemical biochemical analysis devices, forensics, infectious disease detection
Daniel McFadden Dept of Economics latent variable models, choice modeling, econometric modeling, sampling theory, production theory, consumer theory
Jimmy A. McGuire Dept of Integrative Biology historical biogeography, evolutionary biology, Southeast Asia, population genetics, hummingbirds, functional morphology, vertebrate systematics, phylogenetic analysis, life history evolution, Bayesian methods, Southeast Asian flying lizards
Daniel McKinsey Dept of Physics dark matter, noble gases, cryogenics, high voltages, particle physics, astrophysics, low temperature physics, detector physics, neutrinos
Nasser Meerkhan Dept of Spanish and Portuguese Medieval Iberia, transcultural text, transtermporal text, translinguistic text
Guanghan Meng School of Optometry biomedical optics, clinical science, molecular and cell biology, neuroscience
Ali Mesbah Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering model predictive control, learning-based control, low-temperature plasma processing, machine learning and control for plasmas, semiconductor manufacturing
Edward Miguel Dept of Economics Africa, education, development economics, human capital, health, ethnic divisions, social capital, civil conflict, war, pre-analysis plans, water.
Burkhard Militzer Dept of Earth and Planetary Science density functional methods, equation of state calculations, planetary interiors, materials at high pressure, theoretical mineral physics, path integration Monte Carlo, planet formation, quantum Monte Carlo method
William H. Miller Dept of Chemistry theoretical chemistry, chemical dynamics, quantum mechanical and semiclassical theories, dynamical chemical processes at the molecular level, photodissociation, femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, calculations of rate constants for chemical reactions
Megan Mills-Novoa Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management climate change adaption, energy transitions, political ecology of global change, critical development studies, water justice, participatory mixed methods, Latin America
Brent D. Mishler Dept of Integrative Biology evolutionary biology, development, ecology, systematics, phylogeny, comparative genomics, green plants, bryophytes, mosses, reproductive biology, phylogenetics, chloroplast DNA, classification, species concepts, biodiversity, Darwin, conservation biology
Cecilia Hyunjung Mo Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy inequality; immigration; human trafficking, political behavior; voting and elections; political socialization; research design and empirical methods.
Jack P. Moehle Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering earthquake engineering, structural engineering, reinforced concrete, performance-based earthquake engineering, high-rise buildings, lifeline systems, rehabilitation (retrofitting), laboratory testing