Catherine Ceniza Choy Dept of Ethnic Studies Asian American history, Filipino American studies, race and gender, migration, nursing history, adoption studies, public impact research/scholarship, social justice research
Lisandro Claudio Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies Philippines, theories of liberalism, history and culture of Southeast Asia, austerity in the global south
Elena Conis School of Journalism history of medicine, history of public health, environmental history, US history, global health history, pesticides, vaccines, infectious disease, epidemics, science communication, public understanding of science, measles, mumps, chicken pox, hepatitis B, HPV, smallpox, polio
John Connelly Dept of History modern East and Central European political and social history, comparative education, history of nationalism and racism, history of Catholicism, Late Modern Europe
Marianne Constable Dept of Rhetoric law and language, legal rhetoric and philosophy, social and political thought, Anglo-American legal history, continental philosophy, law and society
Danika Cooper Dept of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning landscape architecture, arid landscapes, visualization, urban design, urbanism
Raúl Coronado Dept of English Latina/o literary and intellectual history, histories of sexuality and of the academic disciplines, comparative history of writing in the colonial and 19th century Americas, modernity, postcolonialism
Margaret Crawford Dept of Architecture history of architecture, architecture and urban design, urban history and theory, US built environment studies, urbanism in China
Mark A. Csikszentmihalyi Dept of East Asian Languages and Cultures early China, Confucianism, Taoism, Daoism, Comparative Religion
Kurt M. Cuffey Dept of Earth and Planetary Science Dept of Geography continuum mechanics, climate, geomorphology, glaciers, glaciology, climate history, stable isotopes, geographical thought
John Alba Cutler Dept of English Chicanx Latinx Studies, poetry, 20th century American literature and culture
Carlos F. Daganzo Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering logistics, networks, urban transportation, traffic flow
Jacob Dalton Dept of East Asian Languages and Cultures Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies religion, ritual, Tibet, Buddhism, Tantra, Dunhuang
Thomas Dandelet Dept of History Renaissance Italy and Europe, Spanish Empire, early modern Mediterranean
James Q. Davies Dept of Music nineteenth-century music, political ecology, performance studies, pianism, vocal knowledge, medical anthropology, historical materialism
Todd Dawson Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management Dept of Integrative Biology physiological plant ecology, evolutionary plant ecology, ecosystem processes, adaptations of plants, carbon, water, nitrogen
Ivonne del Valle Dept of Spanish and Portuguese colonial period in México, internal colonialism in Mexico, Jesuits (Loyola, Acosta, Baegert), Baroque and Enlightenment from a colonial perspective, technology and environment, drainage of Mexico City lakes, Christianity and Pre-Hispanic religions.
Brian DeLay Dept of History US, the Americas, International History, nineteenth century, Native American history, American West, Borderlands, firearms, Second Amendment
Jeroen Dewulf Dept of German folklore, Dutch studies, transatlantic slavery, German literature, Portuguese Studies, post-colonial studies, hybridity
Nicholas Dirks Dept of Anthropology Dept of History History and anthropology of South Asia, social and cultural theory, history of imperialism, historiography, cultural studies, globalization
Mary Ann Doane Dept of Film and Media feminist theory, cultural theory, archaeology of media technology, film and modernity, film theory, psychoanalytic theory