Cori Hayden Dept of Anthropology Latin America, Mexico, social and cultural anthropology, kinship, anthropology of science, technology, and medicine, post-colonial science, gender, queer studies
Stephen Hinshaw Dept of Psychology psychology, child clinical, developmental psychopathology, risk factors for attentional, conduct disorders, child psychopharmacology, multimodality interventions, diagnostic validity of disorders, peer relationships, stigma of mental illness, community-engaged research/scholarship
Nicholas Jewell School of Public Health Dept of Statistics AIDS, statistics, epidemiology, infectious diseases, dengue fever, Wolbachia, Ebola Virus Disease, SARS, H1N1 influenza, adverse cardiovascular effects of pharmaceuticals, counting civilian casualties during conflicts
Meng C. Lin School of Optometry contact lenses, vision, clinical trials (phase I - Phase IV), clinical trial designs, tear film, biomedical devices, ocular surface
Yue Liu School of Optometry epidemiology, optometry, vision science, myopia, refractive errors, accommodation, eye growth, contact lens, optical myopia control, pharmacological myopia control, aberration, bifocal, emmetropization, multifocal, orthokeratology, pediatric vision exam, RGP, clinical trials
David V. Schaffer Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering biomolecular engineering, bioengineering, neuroscience, stem cell biology, gene therapy
Adam Yala Computational Precision Health Program Dept of Statistics Division of Computer Science (EECS) artificial intelligence, health
Xiudi Li School of Public Health causal inference, data integration, federated learning and transfer learning, electronic health records, clinical trials, High Dimensional Data Analysis