Ron E. Hassner Dept of Political Science international relations, international security, religion and conflict, Israel, military intelligence, torture, interrogation.
Hidetaka Hirota Dept of History US immigration history, American immigration law and policy, Race and Ethnicity in the United States, 19th century United States, Asian American history, U.S. and the world, Global Migration, Transnational History
James Hurley Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology Structural Biology, reconstitution, membrane biology, autophagy, HIV, x-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy
Xandra Ibarra Dept of Art Practice performance art, video, sculpture, new genres, feminist and queer theory, Latin American and U.S. Chicana/Latino performance
Desmond Jagmohan Dept of Political Science history of political thought, American political thought, African American political thought, race and American political development
Nicholas Jewell School of Public Health Dept of Statistics AIDS, statistics, epidemiology, infectious diseases, dengue fever, Wolbachia, Ebola Virus Disease, SARS, H1N1 influenza, adverse cardiovascular effects of pharmaceuticals, counting civilian casualties during conflicts
Rosemary A. Joyce Dept of Anthropology Latin America, anthropology, cultural heritage, gender, archaeology, sexuality, museums, ethics, Central America, feminism
Ethan Katz Dept of History Jewish history, modern France, empire, Jewish-Muslim relations, secularism
Nina Maggi Kelly Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management remote sensing, drones, ecosystem sciences, forests, geoinformatics, participatory web, GIS
Arash Komeili Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology microbiology, Biomineralization, bacterial organelles, Magnetic Nanoparticles
Jake Kosek Dept of Geography cultural politics of nature and difference, cultural geography, Science and Technology studies, critical race theory, critical cartography, biopolitics, human and the non-human, environmental politics
Tadiwa Madenga Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of English African and Black diaspora literature, gender and sexuality, print culture, Festival and Carnival Studies
Angela Marino Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies Latin American Studies, performance studies, Venezuela, Chicanx Latinx Studies, Chicano Latino Theater, political cultures, Populism, Festival and Carnival Studies, democracy, Latin America
Tom McEnaney Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of Spanish and Portuguese Latin American literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, media studies, radio, 20th century American literature, architecture, linguistic anthropology, digital humanities
Megan Mills-Novoa Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management climate change adaption, energy transitions, political ecology of global change, critical development studies, water justice, participatory mixed methods, Latin America
Minoo Moallem Dept of Gender and Women's Studies Transnational and Postcolonial Feminist Studies, cultural studies, Commodity Cultures, Visual and Material Cultures of Religion, Immigration and Diaspora Studies, Middle East Studies, and Iranian Studies
Paulo J. M. Monteiro Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering concrete behavior, structural materials
Peter Nelson Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management indigenous archaeology, indigenous environmental studies, settler colonialism, community-based participatory research, California
Zamansele Nsele Dept of History of Art Modern & Contemporary African and African diasporic Visual Art, Black Art, Black & African Feminisms, Critical Theories of Blackness, African modernism, Theories of Nostalgia and Melancholia, Visual Activism
Kurt C. Organista School of Social Welfare social welfare, race/ethnicity, HIV prevention, social behavior
Tianna Paschel Dept of African American Studies Dept of Sociology racial ideology, politics, globalization, Latin America