Stephen Small Dept of African American Studies public history, African diaspora in Europe, British imperialism, community-engaged research/scholarship
Cihan Tugal Dept of Sociology political sociology, social movements, religion, Islam and the Middle East, culture, poverty and class, social theory, ethnography
Amanda L. Tyler School of Law federal courts, separation of powers, the judiciary, habeas corpus, civil procedure, the emergency Constitution, gender equality, constitutional law
Ken Ueno Dept of Music music composition, decolonizing music, noise, sound installations, music of Japan, extended vocal techniques, overtone singing, musical culture of Japan, experimental improvisation
Robert Van Houweling Dept of Political Science Congress, political parties, voting behavior, spatial models of candidate competition, experimental methods
Edward Wasserman School of Journalism media ethics, economics and politics of news, professional standards, media history, journalism, press
Charles D. Weisselberg School of Law law reform, criminal procedure, police interrogation, federal prisons
William White Dept of Anthropology historical archaeology, African American archaeology, historic preservation, heritage conservation, community based participatory research
Tarek Zohdi Dept of Mechanical Engineering advanced manufacturing, 3D printing systems, fire propagation and control, UAVs and swarms, ballistic fabric shielding, food-system modeling, pandemic modeling