Nathan Sayre Dept of Geography climate change, endangered species, rangelands, political ecology, pastoralism, ranching, environmental history, suburbanization, human-environment interactions, environmental geography, range science and management, Southwestern US, scale, community-based conservation
Nicholas Swanson-Hysell Dept of Earth and Planetary Science geology, stratigraphy, paleomagnetism, paleogeography, paleoclimate
Chenxi Tang Dept of German German literature and thought, European literature and thought, Chinese intellectual history, Comparative study of Europe and China, Law and Literature
Joan Walker Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering behavioral modeling, discrete choice analysis, travel behavior
Steven Weber Dept of Political Science School of Information political science, international security, international political economy, information science
Clancy Wilmott Dept of Geography critical cartography, media geographies, critical GIS and data studies, cultural memory and landscape, politics of representation - textualization - and visuality, digitalities
Hertha D. Sweet Wong Dept of English American literature, native American literature, autobiography, ethnic American literature