Alexei Efros Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer vision, computer graphics, computational photography, machine learning, artificial intelligence
Hany Farid Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) School of Information digital forensics, forensic science, misinformation, human perception
Joseph Farrell Dept of Economics economics, price theory models of anticompetitive exclusive dealing, switching costs, network effects, formal standardization
Armando Fox Division of Computer Science (EECS) online education, MOOC, blended learning, parallel programming, software engineering, Web development
Jack L. Gallant Dept of Neuroscience computational neuroscience, vision science, attention, fMRI, language, natural scene perception, brain encoding, brain decoding
Sanjam Garg Division of Computer Science (EECS) cryptography, cybersecurity, theoretical computer science
Ken Goldberg Dept of Art Practice Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research Division of Computer Science (EECS) School of Information robotics, art, social media, new media, automation
Ming Gu Dept of Mathematics mathematics, scientific computing, numerical linear algebra, convex optimization
Venkatesan Guruswami Dept of Mathematics Division of Computer Science (EECS) theoretical computer science, coding theory, approximate optimization, randomness in computation, computational complexity
Nika Haghtalab Division of Computer Science (EECS) artificial intelligence, machine learning, theoretical computer science, game theory and mechanism design
Joseph M. Hellerstein Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer science, database systems, distributed systems
Ali Javey Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) nanotechnology, low power electronics, flexible electronics and sensors, nanofabrication, energy harvesting and conversion, programmable matter
Jiantao Jiao Division of Computer Science (EECS) Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) artificial intelligence, control and intelligent systems and robotics, communications and networking
Michael Jordan Dept of Statistics Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer science, artificial intelligence, computational biology, statistics, machine learning, electrical engineering, applied statistics, optimization
Anthony D. Joseph Division of Computer Science (EECS) internet security, mobile/distributed computing, and wireless communications, networking and telephony
Ali Kakhbod Haas School of Business financial economics, liquidity, market microstructure, big data, contracts
Boubacar Kante Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) optoelectronics, quantum optics, optimization, Antennas, Biophysics and Sensing
Zsolt Katona Haas School of Business online marketing, search advertising, network economics, social networks
Sung-Hou Kim Dept of Chemistry computational genomics, Genomic susceptibility of common diseases, Genomic Tree of Life, Demography of human genome diversity
Daniel Klein Division of Computer Science (EECS) unsupervised language acquisition, efficient algorithms for NLP, linguistically rich models of language, integrating symbolic and statistical methods for NLP, organization of the web, machine translation, information extraction
John D. Kubiatowicz Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer architecture, quantum computer design, internet-scale storage systems and peer-to-peer networking, operating systems & networking, computer security
Edward A. Lee Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) Cyber-Physical Systems, embedded software, modeling and design of systems, real-time and concurrent system, theory of current systems