Gabriel Lenz Dept of Political Science American politics, elections, voter behavior, democratic accountability, campaigns
Amy Lerman Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy American government, public opinion, civic engagement, criminal justice, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship, research practice partnership
Jonah D. Levy Dept of Political Science political science, social policy, comparative political economy, West European politics, French politics, relationship between partisanship and welfare reform in contemporary Western Europe
Andrew Little Dept of Political Science game theory, authoritarian politics, political beliefs, protest
Aila Matanock Dept of Political Science post-conflict elections, policing, peace processes, civil conflict, foreign intervention, armed actor governance, armed actor social support, counterinsurgency, survey experiments, mixed-method research design, Central America, Colombia, Solomon Islands, West Africa
Michaela Mattes Dept of Political Science International Conflict and Cooperation, Conflict Management, Domestic Politics and International Relations
Cecilia Hyunjung Mo Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy inequality; immigration; human trafficking, political behavior; voting and elections; political socialization; research design and empirical methods.
Alison Post Dept of Political Science regulation, infrastructure, water and sanitation, urban politics, urban politics and policy, comparative political economy, community-engaged research/scholarship, impact evaluations requested by governments/NGOs
Gérard Roland Dept of Economics Dept of Political Science Institutions and development, culture and economics, political institutions and economic outcomes, European Parliament and European institutions, reforms in China/North Korea/Eastern Europe
Eric Schickler Dept of Political Science American politics, Congress, political parties, public opinion
Hillel Soifer Dept of Political Science comparative politics, methodology & formal theory, Latin America
Sarah Song Dept of Political Science School of Law political theory, citizenship and migration studies, feminist theory, American immigration law and policy, democratic theory, First Amendment law
Anna Stilz Dept of Political Science history of political thought, nationalism, collective agency, migration, environmental and climate justice
Laura Stoker Dept of Political Science American politics, political behavior, political psychology, public opinion, voting and elections, political socialization, research design and empirical methods
Scott Straus Dept of Political Science comparative politics, international relations, formal theory and methods
Robert Van Houweling Dept of Political Science Congress, political parties, voting behavior, spatial models of candidate competition, experimental methods
Steven Vogel Dept of Political Science political economy or comparative political economy, market governance, regulation, the Japanese model of capitalism, Japanese politics, political science
Steven Weber Dept of Political Science School of Information political science, international security, international political economy, information science