Robert C. Leachman Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research logistics, manufacturing, semiconductors, scheduling, supply chain systems, dynamic production models, production planning and scheduling
Yiangos Papanastasiou Haas School of Business social learning theory, social learning, economics, game theory, pricing models, Revenue Management, economics of misinformation, e-commerce and financial platforms, Information technology issues in supply chain management
Park Sinchaisri Haas School of Business operations management, operations research, machine learning, human-computer interaction, decision-making, behavioral science, behavioral economics, service operations, applied econometrics
Terry Taylor Haas School of Business sharing economy operations, economics of operations management, social responsibility in operations management, supply chain management, marketing-operations interface
Luyi Yang Haas School of Business service operations, economics of queues, Business Model Innovation, Operations-Marketing Interface, digital marketplace, Sustainable Operations