Luis Ceferino Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering multi-hazard risk analysis, reliability of critical infrastructure systems, climate adaptation and disaster resilience, structural engineering, extreme event modeling
Carmine Emanuele Cella Dept of Music mathematical representation of musical and acoustic signals, music composition
Jennifer Chayes Dept of Mathematics Dept of Statistics Division of Computer Science (EECS) phase transitions in computer science, structural and dynamical properties of networks, graphons, machine learning, ethical decision making, climate change
Irene Chen Computational Precision Health Program Division of Computer Science (EECS) machine learning, personalized medicine and healthcare systems, global health equity, precision health
Zaijun Chen Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) physical electronics, artificial intelligence, computer architecture & engineering, information; data; network and communication science, integrated circuits
Lawrence Cohen Dept of Anthropology Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies social cultural anthropology, medical and psychiatric anthropology, critical gerontology, lesbian and gay studies, feminist and queer theory
Anne Collins Dept of Psychology learning, decision making, computational modeling, executive functions
Marianne Constable Dept of Rhetoric law and language, legal rhetoric and philosophy, social and political thought, Anglo-American legal history, continental philosophy, law and society
Amanda Coston Dept of Statistics causal inference, machine learning, nonparametric statistics, responsible AI, algorithmic fairness
Ying Cui Dept of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research continuous optimization, optimization under uncertainty, statistical estimations, machine learning, artificial intelligence
Anne E. Cunningham School of Education education, literacy, reading development, children and technology, teacher professional development
Ronald Dahl School of Public Health adolescence, brain development, behavioral and emotional health, pubertal maturation, affective neuroscience, social neuroscience
Sean Darling-Hammond School of Public Health K-12, education policy, exclusionary discipline, school policing, restorative practices, social and emotional learning, student mental health, health equity, implicit bias, intergroup contact
Trevor Darrell Division of Computer Science (EECS) artificial intelligence, intelligent systems and robotics, computer vision
Diag Davenport Goldman School of Public Policy School of Information applied microeconomics, behavioral science, machine learning
Michael DeWeese Dept of Neuroscience Dept of Physics machine learning, computation, systems neuroscience, auditory cortex, neural coding, statistical mechanics
Anca Dragan Division of Computer Science (EECS) robotics, human-robot interaction, human-compatible artificial intelligence
Sandrine Dudoit School of Public Health Dept of Statistics statistics, machine learning, data science, applied statistics, statistical computing, computational biology, computational genomics, Precision Medicine, precision health
Alexei Efros Division of Computer Science (EECS) computer vision, computer graphics, computational photography, machine learning, artificial intelligence
Munis D. Faruqui Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies Mughal India, Delhi Sultanate, Islam in South Asia/India, Urdu
Dan Feldman Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology Dept of Neuroscience neurobiology, learning, neurophysiology, sensory biology
Avi Feller Dept of Statistics Goldman School of Public Policy applied statistics, theoretical statistics, Bayesian statistics, machine learning, statistics in social sciences
David Foster Dept of Neuroscience behavioral neurophysiology of spatial learning and memory, hippocampus replay, computational models of reinforcement learning and navigationf
Armando Fox Division of Computer Science (EECS) online education, MOOC, blended learning, parallel programming, software engineering, Web development