Sarah Anzia Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy American politics, public policy, interest groups, state politics, local politics, election timing, voter turnout, public pensions, public sector unions, collective bargaining
Henry Brady Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy comparative politics, public policy, electoral politics, political participation, survey research, program evaluation, statistical methods in the social sciences, social welfare policy, Soviet Union, inequality in America
Laura J Enriquez Dept of Sociology Development in Latin America; Latin American Emigration to Europe; Rural Sociology, Political Sociology; Social Movements
Dorothy Kronick Goldman School of Public Policy contemporary Latin American politics, Venezuela, crime and policing
Gabriel Lenz Dept of Political Science American politics, elections, voter behavior, democratic accountability, campaigns
Eric Schickler Dept of Political Science American politics, Congress, political parties, public opinion
Laura Stoker Dept of Political Science American politics, political behavior, political psychology, public opinion, voting and elections, political socialization, research design and empirical methods
David C. Wilson Goldman School of Public Policy political psychology, politics, race and public policy, race, racial justice, public opinion research, survey research methods