Eileen A. Lacey Dept of Integrative Biology evolutionary biology, population, mammals, behavioral ecology, vertebrates, molecular genetics, subterranean rodents, Argentina, Chile
Tyrone B. Hayes Dept of Integrative Biology genetics, amphibians, developmental endocrinology, steroid hormones, metamorphosis, sex differentiation, hormonal differentiation, African clawed frog, Japnanes Kajika, Pine Barrens treefrog
Lisa A. Pruitt Dept of Mechanical Engineering tissue biomechanics, biomaterial science, fatigue and fracture micromechanisms, orthopedic polymers for total joint replacement, synthetic cartilage
Adam Arkin Dept of Bioengineering Systems and Synthetic Biology, Environmental Microbiology of Bacteria and Viruses, bioenergy, Biomedicine, Bioremediation, space, green and sustainable manufacturing, sustainability
Bruce Fuller School of Education policy analysis and evaluation, reform issues, charter schools, child care, early childhood development, economy and education
Jay D. Keasling Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering chemical engineering, biochemical engineering, metabolic engineering of microorganisms, environmentally friendly synthesis, biodegradable and recyclable polymers, production of biofuels and bioproducts, natural products
Chung-Pei Ma Dept of Astronomy Dept of Physics astrophysics, black hole, dark matter, cosmology, formation and evolution of galaxies, cosmic microwave background radiation
William F. Hanks Dept of Anthropology social and cultural anthropology, linguistics, shamanism, language, Yucatan Mexico, Maya culture
Lawrence Cohen Dept of Anthropology Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies social cultural anthropology, medical and psychiatric anthropology, critical gerontology, lesbian and gay studies, feminist and queer theory
Robert G. Bergman Dept of Chemistry organic and inorganic chemistry: synthesis and reaction mechanisms, organotransition metal compounds, homogeneous catalysis