Mark Hansen Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering transportation economics, policy and planning, air transportation, public transportation
Xiao-Jun Zhang Haas School of Business security valuation, financial statement analysis, accounting theory, corporate disclosure, auditing, international accounting, machine learning and asset pricing
Carl Shapiro Dept of Economics Haas School of Business anti-trust economics, economics of networks and interconnection, design and use of patents, industrial organization economics
Sunil Dutta Haas School of Business accrual accounting information, managerial performance measures, firms' disclosure policies, disclosure policies' valuation in capital markets
Qiang Zhou Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology biochemistry of HIV gene expression, transcriptional elongation, Tat activation, stage of transcriptional elongation, HIV replication, anti-HIV therapy
Matthew Welch Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology biology, cell motility, the role of the actin cytoskeleton in cell locomotion, shape change, actin filament assembly, bacterial and viral pathogens
Gary Karpen Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology gene expression, cell biology, chromosome structure and function, drosophila melanogaster, centromere identity and function, biophysics, condensed phases
Jennifer A. Doudna Dept of Chemistry Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology RNA machines, hepatitis C virus, RNA interference, ribosomes, x-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy, CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing
David Drubin Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology cellular morphogenesis, plasma membrane dynamics, microtubule cytoskeletons, cytoskeletal proteins, morphological development
Yang Dan Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology Dept of Neuroscience neuronal circuits, mammalian visual system, electrophysiological, imaging, prefrontal cortex, sleep