Victoria Frede Dept of History enlightenment, Russian intellectual history, sentimentalism, eighteenth and nineteenth century, anti-religious thought, romanticism, history of friendship
Mia Fuller Dept of Italian Studies anthropology, Italy, fascism, urban design, architecture, Italian colonialism
Daena Funahashi Dept of Anthropology Political anthropology, critical theory, Crisis of Legitimacy, Burnout, economy of excess, scientific authority, Nordic Welfare, sociocultural anthropology, Southeast Asia
Jacob Gaboury Dept of Film and Media media studies, computer graphics, history of technology, Science and Technology studies, queer theory, new media, art and technology
Liz Gálvez Dept of Architecture design, architecture and environment, materials, heating and cooling, building technologies, sustainable design
Joshua Gang Dept of English 20th-Century Irish and British literature, literature and philosophy, 20th century literature, history of literary theory, the novel, literature and the sciences of mind, close reading, philosophy of literature, philosophy of mind, moral philosophy
Aglaya Glebova Dept of History of Art Dept of Slavic Languages and Literatures Soviet art, photography, European avant-gardes, global modern art
Evelyn Nakano Glenn Dept of Ethnic Studies Dept of Gender and Women's Studies labor, citizenship, undocumented students, caring work, settler colonialism, skin color bias
Luba Golburt Dept of Slavic Languages and Literatures Russian poetry from the 18th century to contemporary, lyric theory, nature lyric, Pushkin, Russian literature and art of the 18th and 19th centuries; Derzhavin, Turgenev; history and literature; historical novel
Amanda Jo Goldstein Dept of English 18th-century British literature, 19th century British literature, critical theory, poetry
Vernadette Gonzalez Dept of Ethnic Studies Asian American literacy and cultural studies, culture of U.S. Imperialism, gender and sexuality, Philippine and Filipino American studies, transnational American studies
Kevis Goodman Dept of English 18th-century and Romantic British literature, Milton, literature and the history of science, especially medicine.
David Singh Grewal School of Law legal theory, political theory, intellectual history, global economic governance, international trade law, intellectual property law and biotechnology, law and economics
Darcy Grimaldo Grigsby Dept of History of Art 18th through 20th century French, 18th through 20th century French and American art, history of slavery, colonialism, race, gender, visual and material culture
Jocelyne Guilbault Dept of Music power relations, global industrialization, labor practices, and work ethics in Caribbean popular musics, diaspora, cultural entrepreneurship
Atreyee Gupta Dept of History of Art global modern art, modern and contemporary South and Southeast Asian art
Lawrence Hall Dept of Physics physics, standard model of particle physics, symmetries of nature, the symmetry of the electroweak interaction, spacetime symmetries: weak scale supersymmetry, constrained theories for the quark and charged lepton masses, supersymmetric theory
Ricarda Hammer Dept of Sociology anticolonial politics, empire, racism, global and transnational sociology, historical sociology, social theory
Timothy Hampton Dept of Comparative Literature Dept of French culture, politics, English, comparative literature, popular music, history of emotion, French, renaissance and early modern European culture, the romance languages, the ideology of literary genre, the literary construction of nationhood, the rhetoric of historiography
Ian F. Haney Lopez School of Law constitutional law, race relations, civil rights, race in politics, Latinos
William F. Hanks Dept of Anthropology social and cultural anthropology, linguistics, shamanism, language, Yucatan Mexico, Maya culture
Christine Hastorf Dept of Anthropology anthropology, archaeology, paleoethnobotany/archaeobotany, ancient plant use, foodways, Andean South America, indigenous ontologies, agriculture
Heather Haveman Dept of Sociology Haas School of Business organizations, economic sociology, entrepreneurship, China, careers and social mobility, gender, social history