Sandrine Dudoit School of Public Health Dept of Statistics statistics, machine learning, data science, applied statistics, statistical computing, computational biology, computational genomics, Precision Medicine, precision health
Aaron Fisher Dept of Psychology Idiographic Science, Group-to-Individual Generalizability, Personalization, EMA, Time Series, physiology, Methods and Statistics
Alan Hubbard School of Public Health causal inference, targeted learning, statistical issues in epidemiology, precision medicine and public health
Mohammad Reza Kaazempur Mofrad Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Mechanical Engineering molecular cell biomechanics, bacterial communities / microbiomes, deep learning for biology and medicine
Jingshen Wang School of Public Health Precision Medicine, causal inference, statistical genetics, adaptive experiment
Bin Yu Dept of Statistics machine learning, trustworthy data science and AI, interdisciplinary research in biomedicine, neuroscience, and climate science.