Dennis Baldocchi Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management biometeorology, climate change and ecosystems, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, agricultural meteorology, ecosystem ecology, carbon cycle, evaporation, ecohydrology, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship
Henry Brady Dept of Political Science Goldman School of Public Policy comparative politics, public policy, electoral politics, political participation, survey research, program evaluation, statistical methods in the social sciences, social welfare policy, Soviet Union, inequality in America
Thad Dunning Dept of Political Science political economy, ethnic politics, comparative clientelism in developing countries, research design, causal inference, statistical methods, multi-method research
Jonah B. Gelbach School of Law civil procedure, statutory interpretation, law and economics, event study methodology, securities litigation, economics of crime, public assistance, statistical methods
Jacob (Jake) Grumbach Goldman School of Public Policy democracy, labor and employment, racial justice, quantitative methods, public policy, political economy, federalism
Daniel Klein Division of Computer Science (EECS) unsupervised language acquisition, efficient algorithms for NLP, linguistically rich models of language, integrating symbolic and statistical methods for NLP, organization of the web, machine translation, information extraction
Ayesha S. Mahmud Dept of Demography Infectious disease dynamics, disease ecology, mathematical models, Asia, Africa, Central America, climate change
Alexandre Mas Haas School of Business labor markets, human resources, data analysis and statistical methods
Mahasin Mujahid School of Public Health Multi-level determinants of racial/ethnic health disparities, neighborhood environments and cardiovascular health, breast cancer treatment and survivorship Methods in social epidemiology, population health
Rasmus Nielsen Dept of Integrative Biology Dept of Statistics evolution, molecular evolution, population genetics, human variation, human genetics, phylogenetics, applied statistics, genetics, evolutionary processes, evolutionary biology
Elizabeth Purdom Dept of Statistics computational biology, bioinformatics, statistics, data analysis, sequencing, cancer genomics
Yun S. Song Dept of Statistics Division of Computer Science (EECS) computational biology, machine learning, applied probability and statistics
Perry de Valpine Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management population ecology, mathematical modeling and statistics
Ian Wang Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management genetics and genomics, genomics, landscape genetics, evolution, population genetics, conservation, herpetology, GIS, spatial analysis, statistical methods, epigenetics
Mark Wilson School of Education measurement, psychometrics, assessment, development of assessment resources, assessment systems