Georjana Barnes Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology biochemistry, genetics, cancer, biology, microtubule cytoskeleton, cell cycle controls, cellular imaging
Max Buchholz Dept of City & Regional Planning urban and regional economics, social and spatial inequality, urbanization, segregation, quantitative methods
Teresa Caldeira Dept of City & Regional Planning urbanization in the global south, peripheries; urban violence; spatial segregation, urban change, ethnography and qualitative methods
Sharad Chari Dept of Geography geography as history of the present and as earthly/oceanic writing, social theory, political economy, development, agrarian studies, labor, racial/sexual capitalism, Black radical tradition, biopolitical struggle, oceanic studies, photography, South Asia, South Africa, Indian Ocean
Abby Dernburg Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology chromosome structure and function, higher order chromosome structure, cell cycle controls, chromosome remodeling and reorganization during meiosis, spatial pattern formation in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, genome mapping, eukaryotic genomes, whole-genome analysis
Rebecca W. Heald Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology cell division, Xenopus, mitotic spindle assembly and function, size control of intracellular structures
Douglas Koshland Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology higher order chromosome structure, genome integrity, sister chromatid cohesion, chromosome condensation, desiccation tolerance, microbial genetics
Andrew Way Leong Dept of English 19th-century American literature, 20th- and 21st-century American literature, Asian American, Pacific, critical theory, cultural studies, gender and sexuality studies
Barbara Meyer Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology cell fate determination, chromosome architecture, developmental biology, gene expression, genetic determination of sex, regulatory genes, chromosome dynamics, X-chromosome
Amani Nuru-Jeter School of Public Health health inequities, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic position, stress and health, place and health, social determinants of health, cardiometabolic risk, birth outcomes
Russell Robinson School of Law anti discrimination law, race and sexuality, law and psychology, constitutional law, media and entertainment law
Jesse Rothstein Dept of Economics Goldman School of Public Policy labor economics, inequality, education policy, unemployment, tax policy, local public finance, teacher quality, segregation, economics of education, labor market, public impact research/scholarship, research practice partnership, partnership research, higher education
Janelle Scott School of Education Dept of African American Studies educational policy, charter schools, politics of education, race and education, school choice, desegregation, philanthropy and education, advocacy