Laurent Reyes School of Social Welfare civic participation, community based research, visual methods, aging, immigration, Latinx older adults, Black older adults, intersectional life course perspective, systems of oppression, access to healthcare
AnnaLee Saxenian School of Information innovation, information management, entrepreneurship, Silicon Valley, regional economic development, high skilled immigration, Asian development
Ayelet Shachar School of Law law and religion, citizenship and immigration law and policy, comparative and international law, legal theory, anti-discrimination law
Sarah Song Dept of Political Science School of Law political theory, citizenship and migration studies, feminist theory, American immigration law and policy, democratic theory, First Amendment law
Leti Volpp School of Law citizenship, law and culture, identity (especially race and gender), immigration and migration, Asian American studies
Charles D. Weisselberg School of Law law reform, criminal procedure, police interrogation, federal prisons
Rhiannon Noel Welch Dept of Italian Studies Italian literature, film and media, Italian colonialism, critical theories of race and racialization, borders and mobilities, biopolitics, postcolonial and decolonial theory.
Stephanie Zonszein Dept of Political Science immigrant integration, intergroup relations, causal inference, race and ethnic politics, political behavior