Sabrina Agarwal Dept of Anthropology Bioarchaeology, skeletal biology, gender research, ethics in biological anthropology, osteology and osteoporosis, health and disease, paleopathology., community-engaged research/scholarship, community engaged/collaborative archaeology
Eliza Brown Dept of Sociology economic sociology, gender and sexualities, medicine, reproduction, Science and Technology studies
Abby Dernburg Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology chromosome structure and function, higher order chromosome structure, cell cycle controls, chromosome remodeling and reorganization during meiosis, spatial pattern formation in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, genome mapping, eukaryotic genomes, whole-genome analysis
Richard S. Dodd Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management environmental policy, environmental science, policy & management, forestry, wildlife, plant biology
Anu Manchikanti Gómez School of Social Welfare reproductive health, health disparities, birth outcomes and maternal health, community-engaged research/scholarship, community-based research partnerships, participatory research, reproductive justice research
Joseph L. Napoli Dept of Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology metabolism, nutritional biochemistry, fat-soluble vitamins, retinoids, retinoic acid, retinol, vitamin A, vitamin D, analytical biochemistry
Daniel Okamoto Dept of Integrative Biology population dynamics of exploited species, marine biology, community ecology, ecological modeling, biostatistics
Raka Ray Dept of Sociology Dept of South and Southeast Asian Studies feminist theory, gender, masculinity, middle-class, social movements, South and Southeast Asian studies, relations between dominant subaltern groups in India, women¹s movements in India
Leslie Salzinger Dept of Gender and Women's Studies sociology of gender, capitalism, theories of neoliberalism, political economy, Gender and Work, Latin America, Mexico, ethnography, Marxian political economy, social reproduction
Nathan Sayre Dept of Geography climate change, endangered species, rangelands, political ecology, pastoralism, ranching, environmental history, suburbanization, human-environment interactions, environmental geography, range science and management, Southwestern US, scale, community-based conservation
Laura Sterponi School of Education neurodiversity, discourse analysis, autistic communication, doctor-patient interaction
John W. Taylor Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology evolution, fungi, phylogenomics, mycology, population genomics, ecology
Marvalee H. Wake Dept of Integrative Biology development, evolution, systematics, amphibians, reproductive biology, vertebrate evolutionary morphology, fishes, reptiles, comparative analysis, biodiversity issues
David Weisblat Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology leech embryo, evolution & development, cell fate determination, lineage tracing, specification of neuronal phenotypes, genome evolution