Sunčica Čanić Dept of Mathematics applied mathematics, partial differential equations, computational methods, biomedical research
Maria Laura Delle Monache Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering control, transportation, traffic flow theory and control, nonlinear partial differential equations, mathematical modeling, mixed autonomy transportation
Fraydoun Rezakhanlou Dept of Mathematics mathematics, probability theory, partial differential equations
Jaijeet Roychowdhury Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems and design automation, computer architecture & engineering
James A. Sethian Dept of Mathematics mathematics, applied mathematics, partial differential equations, computational physics, level set Methods, computational fluid mechanics and materials sciences. fast marching methods
Franziska Weber Dept of Mathematics applied mathematics, mathematical analysis, numerical analysis, nonlinear partial differential equations
Maciej Zworski Dept of Mathematics mathematics, partial differential equations, mathematical physics, mathematical aspects of quantum mechanics, scattering theory, microlocal analysis