Joshua Goldstein Dept of Demography mortality, fertility, aging, social inequality, mathematical demography, economic demography, quantitative methods, United States, Europe
Ayesha S. Mahmud Dept of Demography Infectious disease dynamics, disease ecology, mathematical models, Asia, Africa, Central America, climate change
Amani Nuru-Jeter School of Public Health health inequities, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic position, stress and health, place and health, social determinants of health, cardiometabolic risk, birth outcomes
Daniel Okamoto Dept of Integrative Biology population dynamics of exploited species, marine biology, community ecology, ecological modeling, biostatistics
Daniel A. Portnoy Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology microbiology, bacteriology, infectious diseases, intracellular pathogens, innate immunity, adaptive immunity, vaccines, cell biology
Ndola Prata School of Public Health community-base access to care, maternal mortality, population and family planning, safe abortion, adolescent reproductive health in developing countries, postpartum hemorrhage