Omri Even-Tov Haas School of Business Accounting and Financial Disclosures, Economic Consequences of Regulatory Changes, Corporate Debt, capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, The Information Content of Credit Rating Changes
Wick Haxton Dept of Physics astrophysics, neutrino physics, nuclear astrophysics, tests of symmetries and conservation laws in nuclear and particle and atomic physics, many-body theory, effective theories
Prasad Krishnamurthy School of Law financial regulation, consumer finance, antitrust and competition policy, law and economics, distributive justice
Ambar La Forgia Haas School of Business health care, research methods, corporate strategy, mergers and acquisitions
Jessica Lu Dept of Astronomy black holes, star and cluster formation, galactic centers, adaptive optics, astronomy, instrumentation, infrared instrumentation, astrometry
Raffaella Margutti Dept of Astronomy Dept of Physics astrophysics, compact object mergers, core-collapse supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, Neutron Stars, radio astronomy, space astrophysics, stellar evolution, supernova shockwaves, supernovae, tidal disruption events