Roland Bürgmann Dept of Earth and Planetary Science active tectonics, geophysics, geology, earth and planetary science, geomechanics, tectonics, Seismology, structural geology, fault zone processes, crustal deformation, space geodesy, natural hazards, landslides
Donald DePaolo Dept of Earth and Planetary Science isotopes, mass spectrometry, geochemistry, geochronology
Madison Douglas Dept of Earth and Planetary Science landscape evolution, permafrost environments, periglacial geomorphology, Earth's surface, sediment transport
Lúcia Lohmann Dept of Integrative Biology ecology, evolution, biogeography, conservation, neotropical biodiversity
Michael Manga Dept of Earth and Planetary Science hydrogeology, fluid mechanics, geomorphology, earth & planetary science, geological processes involving fluids, including problems in physical volcanology, geodynamics, dynamics of suspensions, flow & transport in porous materials, percolation theory
Yoram Rubin Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering risk assessment, hydrogeology, contaminant transport, geostatistics
Nicholas Swanson-Hysell Dept of Earth and Planetary Science geology, stratigraphy, paleomagnetism, paleogeography, paleoclimate
Hans-Rudolf Wenk Dept of Earth and Planetary Science crystallography, earth & planetary science, structural geology & rock deformation, seismic anisotropy