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elections, astrophysics, law, statistics, litigation, causal inference, inverse problems, geophysics, uncertainty quantification, educational technology, soil science, race and gender bias and discrimination, nonparametrics, climate, natural disasters, sustainable food systems, seismology earthquakes earthquake hazard mitigation earth structure tomography natural hazards, public impact research/scholarship, community-engaged research/scholarship, community-based research partnerships, social justice research, research in the public interest, active transportation
adolescent violence and victimization, polyvictimization rates among vulnerable adolescents, bullying involvement roles and mental health, sexual orientation and gender identity microaggressions, impact of family-level microaggressions and microaffirmations on mental health, disability, anti-ableism
natural history, molecular genomics, phylogenetics, amphibians, chemical ecology, evolutionary ecology, evolutionary biology, adaptation, evolution, molecular evolution, physiology, molecular phylogenetics, educational equity, biodiversity, diversity of team members, equity and inclusion in academia, decolonization, collaboration, reptiles, Drosophila, genomes, evolution of novelty, conservation, nudibranchs
high-technology competition, US industrial and technology policies, international economy, US trade policy, US competitiveness, emerging market economies, multinational companies in the US economy, gender gap (economic participation, educational attainment, political empowerment and health), research and development tax credit