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Showing 26 - 50 of 75 Results
designed learning environments, Cultural dimensions of learning, language and literacy learning for dual language learners, biliteracy, and new media literacies, the social organization of learning, ethnographic methodology and qualitative approaches to inquiry, design experiment/social design experiments, education of Latino, immigrant, and migrant youth, urban education, teacher learning, educational and language policy
the novel, sexuality studies, comparative literature, French, French literature, nineteenth and twentieth centuries, British literature and culture, social and literary theory, cultural studies of music, studies of language in use, linguistic anthropology, theories of practice, twentieth-century American literature.
language, culture, society, literacy, literacy learning of urban youth, African American students in schools, writing development, effective teaching, learning strategies in multicultural urban schools and communities, studies of race - class - and gender, Leaders for Equity and Democracy EdD - LEAD