Gregory Barton Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology immunology, cell biology, infectious disease, innate immunity, Microbiome, autoimmune diseases
Karine Gibbs Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology microbiology, microbial development, microbial development; molecular genetics, biochemistry, biochemistry; molecular genetics; cell biology, microbial social behaviors, bacterial communities / microbiomes, collective behaviors
Gary Karpen Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology gene expression, cell biology, chromosome structure and function, drosophila melanogaster, centromere identity and function, biophysics, condensed phases
Britt Koskella Dept of Integrative Biology Bacteriophage, Microbiome, plant-pathogen interactions, disease ecology, agricultural sustainability, Environmental Microbiology of Bacteria and Viruses, plant microbiome, evolutionary ecology
Mohammad Reza Kaazempur Mofrad Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Mechanical Engineering molecular cell biomechanics, bacterial communities / microbiomes, deep learning for biology and medicine
Mary E. Power Dept of Integrative Biology freshwater ecology, food webs, trophic dynamics, northern California rivers, watersheds
Carl Rothfels Dept of Integrative Biology evolutionary biology, phylogenetic methods, plant evolutionary biology
John W. Taylor Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology evolution, fungi, phylogenomics, mycology, population genomics, ecology
Ashley Wolf School of Public Health Dept of Plant and Microbial Biology gut microbiota, metabolism, genomics, host-microbe interactions