Archaeological Research Facility

The Archaeological Research Facility (ARF) is a hub for archaeologists and archaeology-related research at UC Berkeley. They have field and lab instruments available for on and off-campus researchers on a recharge basis. They also offer workshops on the use of these instruments. Their field instruments include near-surface geophysical sensors (GPR, gradiometry, and resistivity), mapping devices (RTK GNSS, total stations, GIS software, 3d scanners), and photography (UAV, cameras, pole and kite photography systems).

College of Chemistry X-ray Crystallography Facility (CheXray)

Provides all services related to the X-ray diffraction of single crystals and powders of small molecule compounds. Typically, X-ray diffraction is used to determine the solid-state molecular structure at the atomic level of crystalline samples, including absolute stereochemistry of chiral compounds. The facility currently houses state-of-the-art single crystal and powder X-ray diffractometers.

QB3 High Throughput Screening Facility

The High-Throughput Screening Facility (HTSF), located in the Li Ka Shing Center for Biomedical and Health Sciences, provides access to cell culturing space, automated liquid handling, automated plate reader and high-throughput, high-content microscopy instrumentation for screening experiments, along with tools for analysis and data visualization. Emphasis is on whole genome and sub-library siRNA screening from various sources but other high-throughput fluidics projects are welcome.

Instruments include:


The Cal-Cryo facility, housed in the basement of Stanley Hall, is led by Professors Eva Nogales and James Hurley and began operations in February 2018. Our facility is used to collect image data of biological or soft material samples before it is processed using single particle or tomographic reconstruction methods Our staff offer consultation and training in specimen preparation, microscope operation, image acquisition, and data analysis. The facility’s instrumentation features automated data collection. Both single-particle micrographs and tomography tilt series can be collected.

Biological Imaging Facility

A state-of-the-art light microscopy facility specializing in live and fixed cell imaging. Specializes in Widefield, Spinning-Disk Confocal, Laser Scanning Confocal, Deconvolution and Super-Resolution fluorescence microscopy. Also advanced software for image analysis and presentation (Imaris, HuygensPro), as well as microtechnique (both paraffin/plastic and cryotomy) equipment and training.

Henry H. Wheeler, Jr. Brain Imaging Center

The Henry H. Wheeler, Jr. Brain Imaging Center's MRI facility houses an actively-shielded 3 Tesla Siemens Prisma scanner. The 64-channel console is equipped with 20-, 32- and 64-channel receive-only head coils, small and large flex coils, and spine/body matrix coils. The scanner is capable of high-performance EPI for fMRI, diffusion imaging, perfusion imaging, high resolution anatomical scanning and a wide range of standard clinical sequences.

Electron Microscope Laboratory

Provides EM services to the Berkeley campus and the academic community at large. The EML houses both TEMs and SEMs and provides three types of service: (1) education and training, (2) equipment for trained users, and (3) full service microscopy for pilot studies. The EML specializes in cryopreservation via HPF/FS. All services are available to anyone with an interest in electron microscopy: graduate and undergraduate students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty, staff, and non-UC users.

CRL Molecular Imaging Center

A state-of-the-art light microscopy facility specializing in imaging live cell and live small model organisms (zebrafish, drosophila, c. elegans, etc.), laser-scanning and spinning disk confocal microscopy, multi-photon microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM), super resolution (AiryScan and Fast Airyscan), light-sheet microscopy (SPIM), holographic patterned illumination for optogenetic studies, and slide scanning with histological stains and fluorescence.