Electron Microscope LaboratoryBerkeley RIC
Provides EM services to the Berkeley campus and the academic community at large. The EML houses both TEMs and SEMs and provides three types of service: (1) education and training, (2) equipment for trained users, and (3) full service microscopy for pilot studies. The EML specializes in cryopreservation via HPF/FS. All services are available to anyone with an interest in electron microscopy: graduate and undergraduate students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty, staff, and non-UC users.
TEM, SEM, electron microscopy, High Pressure Freezing, Quick Freeze Substitution, Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM),Immunogold Labeling (Immuno-Electron Microscopy), Serial-Sectioning, Electron Tomography, Microwave Assisted Processing, Negative Stain, Ultramicrotomy (Cryo and Room Temp), Glass Knife Making, Critical Point Drying, Carbon Coating, Sputter Coating, Imaging Non-Conductive Samples, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Full-service, Training