CRL Molecular Imaging CenterBerkeley RIC
A state-of-the-art light microscopy facility specializing in imaging live cell and live small model organisms (zebrafish, drosophila, c. elegans, etc.), laser-scanning and spinning disk confocal microscopy, multi-photon microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM), super resolution (AiryScan and Fast Airyscan), light-sheet microscopy (SPIM), holographic patterned illumination for optogenetic studies, and slide scanning with histological stains and fluorescence.
The CRL Molecular Imaging Center operates in 3 different buildings on campus, with the primary locations in Life Sciences Addition (251 LSA), a North-side core in 320 Barker Hall, and a small outpost in the Li Ka Shing Center for Biomedical and Health Sciences (230 Li Ka Shing Center).
laser-scanning, spinning disk, confocal, microscopy, multi-photon, fluorescence microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging, FLIM, AiryScan, light-sheet microscopy, holographic patterned illumination, light, microscopy, 2-photon, multiphoton, slide scanning, whole slide, live cell, incubation, training, spectral unmixing, FRET, SPIM, FRAP, SDC, LSM, widefield, brightfield