Gregory W. Aponte Dept of Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology health and nutrition, nutritional sciences, signaling between the gut and the brain, neuropeptides, G-protein coupled receptors
Gregory Barton Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology immunology, cell biology, infectious disease, innate immunity, Microbiome, autoimmune diseases
Laurent Coscoy Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology immunology, viruses, viral infection, immune responses, immune evasion
Seung-Wuk Lee Dept of Bioengineering nanotechnology, bio-inspired nanomaterials, synthetic viruses, regenerative tissue engineering materials, drug delivery vehicles
Eunyong Park Dept of Molecular & Cell Biology protein function, Structural Biology, biochemistry, membrane proteins
Gabor A. Somorjai Dept of Chemistry physical chemistry, catalysis, surface science, low-energy electron diffraction, solid state chemistry, macroscopic surface phenomena, adhesion, lubrication, biocompatibility, bonding, and reactivity at solid surfaces, scanning tunneling
David E. Wemmer Dept of Chemistry nuclear magnetic resonance, nucleic acids, biophysical chemistry: proteins, NMR spectroscopy, magnetic resonance methods, structure of proteins and DNA, conformational fluctuations, biopolymers
Ting Xu Dept of Chemistry Dept of Materials Science and Engineering polymer, nanocomposite, biomaterial, membrane, directed self-assembly, drug delivery, protein therapeutics, block copolymers, nanoparticles
Ziyang Zhang Dept of Chemistry synthetic chemistry, chemical biology, peptides, proteins, drug discovery, cellular signal transduction, cancer, autoimmune diseases