Sonia Katyal School of Law artificial intelligence, law and technology, intellectual property law, contemporary art and law, gender and sexuality
Nina Maggi Kelly Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management remote sensing, drones, ecosystem sciences, forests, geoinformatics, participatory web, GIS
Yaniv Konchitchki Haas School of Business Monetary economics, macroeconomics, macro-finance, Financial-based solutions to world’s grand challenges, capital markets research, financial accounting, FinTech, financial technology and innovation, financial statement analysis, asset pricing, macro-accounting
Prasad Krishnamurthy School of Law financial regulation, consumer finance, antitrust and competition policy, law and economics, distributive justice
Sanjay Kumar Dept of Bioengineering Dept of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering biomaterials, molecular and cellular bioengineering, stem cells, cancer biology, translational medicine
Alessandra Lanzara Dept of Physics materials science, ultrafast science, quantum materials, sustainable materials, topological phases of matter
Katerina Linos School of Law international law, comparative law, European Union law, employment law, migration law
Xin Liu Dept of Anthropology history and/of anthropology, contemporary trends in social theory, social/cultural anthropology, comparative societies, capitalism and culture, America and China/East Asia
Rich Lyons Haas School of Business foreign exchange markets, culture, innovation, entrepreneurship, online education, blockchains
Michel Maharbiz Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) neural interfaces, bioMEMS, microsystems, MEMS, microsystems for the life sciences
Mairi McLaughlin Dept of French Dept of Italian Studies French linguistics, translation studies, language of the media, language contact, syntax, romance linguistics, History of the Romance Languages, Italian language, history of French, History of the Press, Speech Reporting, Metalinguistic texts
Timothy McQuade Haas School of Business design of optimal mortgage debt instruments, real estate economics, Affordable housing, household finance, rent control
Peter S. Menell School of Law intellectual property, property law, environmental law & policy, entertainment law, federal courts
Rikky Muller Division of Electrical Engineering (EECS) integrated circuits, biosystems and computational biology, micro/nano electro mechanical systems
Deirdre Mulligan School of Information information policy, law, privacy, security, machine learning and artificial intelligence
Kara L. Nelson Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering wastewater based epidemiology, water and wastewater treatment, water reuse, detection and inactivation of pathogens in water and sludge, appropriate technologies
Charlan Jeanne Nemeth Dept of Psychology decision making, jury decision making, influence and persuasion, creativity in small groups, managing innovation in organizations, psychology of creative scientists and entrepreneurs, corporate cultures, diversity of team members, brainstorming, psychology and law
Dara O'Rourke Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management globalization, sustainability, labor and environmental policy, supply chains, consumers, information-based regulation, environmental justice, sustainability transitions, disruptive innovation
Eyitayo Opabola Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering assessment and rehabilitation of structural systems, earthquake engineering, vulnerability assessment, community resilience
Eric Paulos Division of Computer Science (EECS) human-computer interaction, new media arts, digital fabrication, epidermal and wearable electronics
Carolina Reid Dept of City & Regional Planning Affordable housing, homelessness, access to credit, community development, the Community Reinvestment Act, neighborhood change, homeownership and mortgage finance (with a focus on low-income and minority households)
Laurent Reyes School of Social Welfare civic participation, community based research, visual methods, aging, immigration, Latinx older adults, Black older adults, intersectional life course perspective, systems of oppression, access to healthcare
James Robinson School of Public Health Economics of innovation; industrial policy in the life sciences; pharmaceutical pricing; regulation of medical devices; comparative health systems