Michael J. Lindsey Dept of Mathematics applied mathematics, mathematical analysis, probability, numerical analysis, optimization, Monte Carlo methods
Per-Olof Persson Dept of Mathematics applied mathematics, numerical methods, computational fluid and solid mechanics
Fraydoun Rezakhanlou Dept of Mathematics mathematics, probability theory, partial differential equations
Marc A. Rieffel Dept of Mathematics mathematics, operator algebras, non-commutative geometry, non-commutative harmonic analysis, quantum geometry, quantum information theory
James A. Sethian Dept of Mathematics mathematics, applied mathematics, partial differential equations, computational physics, level set Methods, computational fluid mechanics and materials sciences. fast marching methods
Chris Shannon Dept of Economics Dept of Mathematics economics, mathematical economics, economic theory
Nikhil Srivastava Dept of Mathematics theoretical computer science, random matrices, geometry of polynomials
Constantin Teleman Dept of Mathematics algebraic geometry, Lie groups, topology, topological quantum field theory
Dan-Virgil Voiculescu Dept of Mathematics operator algebras, free probability theory, random matrices, K-theory of operator algebras, single operator theory
Paul A. Vojta Dept of Mathematics mathematics, algebraic geometry, diophantine geometry, Nevanlinna theory, Arakelov theory
Franziska Weber Dept of Mathematics applied mathematics, mathematical analysis, numerical analysis, nonlinear partial differential equations